Woah it's like... been a long time. hellooo?
Busy. Yes. Probably. ...I CAN'T HOLD BACK ANYMORE RJ$PGWRJEFOGHWEFMGSDFJWENFEI:W:EWAO:;aqfea;egjSARIGHWREGNW HAPPY TIEMS Aiiiiiiiii-kooooooooooooooooooooooon Must. Buy. Bookmark. YES THAT IS MY THING I COLLECT NOW FROM CONVENTIONS god I haven't even had pop yet. ERGLRBVLSANFDWEL:RNKGLAJ 14 HOURS AND 32 MINUTES 40 SECONDS LEFT. *dies* Edit: How the hell can I still rmemeber what colours to make my text WHEN I AM HYPER. WOP WOP Oh well AREHVLEFNBLEFK Keyboard smash is fun.
I dunno, I don't think it would work. I think the problem is just the site we're on :/
I think it's just cause loyal memebers have kinda either forgotten or haven't had time and then forgotten oooooor just don't care anymore :| We have been around a long time, the fact that it's been two years and a quarter-ish is pretty damn amazing, for a simple sub community within a community that is also dieing we're actually really well off. At least Oyashiro-sama doesn't hate us as a collective... She hates me though. We need new members but they either totally forget, or don't stay loyal, or loyal ones have life getting in the waaaay. Bah screw life, nobody gets out alive anyway.
We did before get an alright time, and weekends seemed fine with people...at least who was actually here Hmm. I guess we wait and see what the verdict is for the, what, two other active members? Arg there is like noboy here anymore, it's sad.
Same as last time, pick a day then just find a time that best suits everyone.
People dislike schedules, despite how much it does help them. I wonder if we could get the meeting thing to ever really work... People do keep coming and going but if there was someone here to talk to they could come, and stay for a bit. Most would stay if they do come for a meeting.
Maybe, but I know what that is like and this doesn't just go away after a break, this comes back up no matter how much time I give it, and can randomly hurt if I'm not even doing anything. Ah well, I'm getting it checked out soon. I think I can adapt but ;~; Tennant was so amazing, he used his hands AND feet to drive the TARDIS, that's skills. I also loved how he had the same awesome shoes in 50 colours >_>
;~; I haven't posted here in forever. I have a reason though, I have suuuuummmeeerrr schoooolllll. Which isn't as bad as peopel make it out to be. I may have abused my drawing hand to the point of the wrist kinda...being messed up. I need to get it checked out. My sister says I'm the first person to get arthritis before the age of at least 20. That would be so fun. Beh, you guys have computer viruses? That sucks :/ If you want I have give you a link to a awesome anti-virus scan that I think also stops most viruses from infecting your computer in the first place. pfffft, Doctor Who and Torchwood.... ;~; WHY DO AWESOME PEOPLE KEEP LEAVING?
I guess that meeting plan kinda died after ther first time. It would be nice if we could get that working and actually keep it up.
Oh trust me that happens all the time to me.
Nah not yet, we're pretty easy on things like being away for a while.
Which is why I don't think I am a kid. :| I don't belive real kids enjoy summerschool.
Yeah, we kinda fell down the stairs, we do get sudden bursts of energy but then while up and dancing our back cracks and we lay on the floor crippled and waiting for a nurse to come by and find us. I like summerschooooool I don't think I am a kid.
nnnngggffffffft if it rains tomorrow I will be pissed. oh right HAI GAIS I HAVE SUMMER SCHOOL SO DON'T EXPECT TO SEE ME THIS SUMMER MUCH.
....did that really just happen?
Oh you just HAD to say it. You know even just saying it is bad luck, right?
SWAY SWAY POSE! And all of this is on a pickle floating on cheese. Razzu Unicorn JESSSUUUSSSSS Zamboni Rika Narwhal Pickle Cheese Bye B, don't get killed or raped or worse~
I AM THE UNICORN :O Razzu riding on a unicorn but in truth IS the unicorn, riding on JESSSUUUUSSSSSSSS, riding on a Zamboni, riding on a Rika. Now that is badass.
BLUE STAB-BUGGY! *stabs* NO RETURNS! ...erm...hey, you still alive? Riding invisible pink unicorns, chasing after a dog with an afro, cause we're just THAT cool.