Caramelldanse by Caramell and Blue Bird by Ikimono Gakari
xaldin was and still is hard >.< Demyx was hard at first but then he gets easier
1 How old are you? 13 2. Where do you live? (Country) America 3. On a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you know about organ/tissue donation? 4 4. What information would you like to know or would you have liked to have known more of regarding organ donation? what organs you can donate if your still alive 5. Are you an organ donor? Why or why not? no because i have no time 6. Did your knowledge or lack of knowledge effect your decision? If so which one and why? no 7. Do you know anyone who has donated/received an organ/tissue? no 8. Are your parents organ donors? If not, do you know why? no because they have no time 9. Did your parents influence your decision to be or not an organ donor? no 10. Do your parents know your wishes on organ donation? maybe 11. Did/Are you going through Drivers Ed through your local DMV office? Or through an online course or home study? i'm to young 12. During the course did they mention organ donation? i wouldn't know 13. Do you have a Drivers Permit or license? no 14. How long when you got your permit were you given to make a decision if you wanted to be an organ donor? don't have the permit 15. Did you know before you went to the DMV that they would ask you about becoming an organ donor? i wouldn't know 16. Where do you think it would be beneficial to put information about organ donation for new drivers? The local DMV office, Health classes, etc. Any other suggestions yes and maybe the could make commercials, billboards, and talk about it in schools.
I care. this world is based on first impressions so i want to make a good one. Though, I do wear the clothes i want to wear :D. But if nothing is going on that day, i throw on some random set of clothes to wear for the day
:lol2: read the rulz, make friends, post a lot, join a family annnnnnnnnd.. HAVE FUNNN! (i love your username ^.^)
that was SO HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!! I survived the whole song but dear lord! I feel bad for the kids in the front listening to them O.e
:lol2: You seem like a nice person. the rules are no different than most other sites. you seem like you will be active on the site for a while so THAT'S GREAT XD so... anyway *gives you a cookie* post a lot, make friends, join an family annnd.... HAVE FUN!!!!!!!
I'm mostly a purple person but i LOVE light purple
O.O now who's going to be his new voice At least he was finished with his part before he died T.T
I have to say (and i just watched it ) It's very different they have all the same actors and the time is al little off but it could be worse. I f you like dubbs, then go watch it. They also have the first episode for free on itunes
:lol2: *hands you welcome cookie* read the rulez, make friends, post a lot, join a family annnnd HAVE FUNNNNN!
:lol2: read the rulz, make friends, post a lot, join a family annnnnd HAVE FUN!!
I'm Blue by Eiffel 65 DX
Clayton because it was was creepy. not only that but was sad... Scar because he was eaten alive o_o disney realy didn't try to clean that one up at all.
Welcome! Read the rules, make friends, join a faimly annnnd most improtanly.... Have fun!!! *gives you a cookie*
it looks awesome! i can't wait till it comes out!
Aqua because it would be interesting to play a girl. buuut,terra would be nice too because he looks to be very interesting....
I like my name but it seems nobody knows how to spell Caiti right DX They always spell it Katie. but i wouldn't mind having my named changed to amber :D
I went into the boys bathroom at my new school more than once T.T
hey it's better than nothing! screwing up a few times isn't the end of the world