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  1. Rexyggor_thenewmember
    CAn I ask for Demyx and Luxord?
    Post by: Rexyggor_thenewmember, Aug 3, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Rexyggor_thenewmember
    but Ed knew when to back off.
    Post by: Rexyggor_thenewmember, Aug 3, 2009 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  3. Rexyggor_thenewmember
    OOC: It's alright, but I just had a hard time finding my last post
    Post by: Rexyggor_thenewmember, Aug 3, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Rexyggor_thenewmember
    OOC: OK! ;) Wait.. anyone with the slightest clue to who Marluxia is knows that he's not a wimp or anything.
    And with the memory thing, I think that Lumaria just remembers important pieces of his past. Just basically some of the people (CoM, but not very well), and him using his powers and weapon.

    Lumaria felt someone bump into him. He was pushed slightly forward, but nothing seemed to be all that bad. Everything was in tact. He turned and looked at the person, he was going to say "it's ok" but when he got a look of the facial features, long hair, the eyes, he became befuddled.. ".. do i- have we met?" This man looked familiar, but he wasn't sure who he was. He remembered that nose. His hair seemed somewhat memorable. The eyes are what really caught him though. those deep, green eyes made him question himself the most. What is so familiar about him?
    Lumaria watched as he answered. Listening carefully to the voice, just in case that would help him.
    Post by: Rexyggor_thenewmember, Aug 3, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Rexyggor_thenewmember
    OOC: I'm kind of having a hard time doing this RP when I come on after yesterday and see 5 more pages.
    Post by: Rexyggor_thenewmember, Aug 3, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Rexyggor_thenewmember
    This is my high school advice:

    Along with wht other people have said, High school isn't as bad as they say it is. As long as you have some connections, you'll make it, and make new connections along the way.
    With grades, the first year may seem much harder than previous ones, because teachers expect you to be almost ready for college or after high school. It's tough. but after your first year, you'll fly through your classes after you get used to them. I look back on my grades in high school, and my freshamn year had the worst grades. and there was improvement each year and I was able to have all my grades averaged over 93 (our A-) during senior year (yeah our grading system kind of seems messed up A100-93; B92-85; C84-75 D74-70; F69 or lower)

    but yeah it should be fine. You'll have a great time. Especially if you participate in extra-cirriculars if you can. It makes you able to make more connections and have a better high school experience. Some people can't do extra-cirriculars, but they still have fun. Take advantage of every opportunity.

    For your family, hopefully it's just a phase. And I can't tell you it's going to get better. The best you can do is to hope it doesn't escalate to the extreme. IF you're ever a part of it, just try to breathe and let it go. Honestly, I know it's what everyone says, but it works. I'f avoided countless fights here by just breathing and letting it go. It shouldn't matter if you don't get the last word. To be honest I don't get the last word, because my mom always has to have it. Of course it's hard when she always finds herself the victim in every situation even if it doesn't involve her directly.
    Or try to accept their flaws. They make everyone human.

    I'm sorry for your grandparents. I understand how it feels to be disconnected from your grandparents. When I was younger, my grandparents lived a couple states away and we only got to see them every few vacations. Just cherish the memories and know that they would be there for you if they could be.

    I can say I'm misunderstood by a lot of people. But, when I was called a "hopeless romantic" last week, it felt kind of good knowing that someone might actually get me. I do have to admit I'm pretty mucha hopeless romantic, but hearing it makes it sound like they cared. It came from the least suspecting person. So keep your ears open, you may not be as misunderstood as you thought.

    Sorry if I made it sound more like the thread was about me. I was trying to connect the stories.
    Post by: Rexyggor_thenewmember, Aug 3, 2009 in forum: Help with Life
  7. Rexyggor_thenewmember
    Ishah turned to Ame. "It's just a part of my power. I have the power of energy. That's one of the perks." She grabbed her arm in pain, "Of course, there's the bad sides. See, I took some of my energy, and transferred it to him so that his wound would heal a little faster. In turn, some of his energy transferred to my body, and now I'm in a little pain."

    Lance was amazed by what just happened. His arm was still in pain, but a lot of the pain was gone. He then heard what had jsut happened... "Wow." was all he could get out.
    He thought to himself... I really don't think I should tell them now. They're part of the Blue Moon Organization. They'll kill me for sure.

    "um..who are you anyway"
    "My name is Lance. Nothing all that special about me." He looked to the wall, avoiding eye contact.
    Post by: Rexyggor_thenewmember, Aug 3, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Rexyggor_thenewmember

    I'm back.

    Well, it's good that you're back. Hope you have more fun here
    Post by: Rexyggor_thenewmember, Aug 3, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Rexyggor_thenewmember
    OOC: Out of curiousity, does everyone remember their old lives in the Organization? I seemed to have missed that aspect. I did read some of the posts, and the first one, seeing that they do.


    Lumaria was at a shop. His tan coat was soaking wet, making it almost appear as a muddy brown, along with his tan pants. His long hair was still dry as it lay inside his hood. He'd been walking for a long time. His favorite shop was in the middle of town, but his house was towards the outskirts.

    He went into a shop. He needed to get some things for himself. He grabbed some laundry detergent, which smelled like roses. Or the as close as artificial rose scents got. He also grabbed some groceries, for he was running low of food in his refridgerator. He picked up a box of chocolate-covered cherries and thought to himself... It's nice to have what I've missed so much back. Though it does bore me a little. I miss the luxury of having the petals bend to my whim. He put down the box, turned and walked away as a single rose petal fell from his coat sleeve and gently floated to the floor.

    OOC: I used a purple cause it's easier to read and I don't like this color. Also, if anyone wants to offer criticism on how to play Marluxia/Lumaria please tell me something to improve on.
    Post by: Rexyggor_thenewmember, Aug 3, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Rexyggor_thenewmember
    Yeah,they probably will.
    But it's going to be different now. Even if the new voice actor is spot on.
    It's not going to feel the same.

    But it happens. It's a good thing that his legacy will live on.
    Post by: Rexyggor_thenewmember, Aug 2, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  11. Rexyggor_thenewmember
    I've completely haven't noticed hour 1 am - 2 am. I always look at the clock and suddenly it's after 2.

    I thought it was [not] interesting so I posted it here. Just thought you'd guys like to know a little more about me.
    Thread by: Rexyggor_thenewmember, Aug 2, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Rexyggor_thenewmember
    I'm not sure about these... hmm...
    Post by: Rexyggor_thenewmember, Aug 2, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Rexyggor_thenewmember
    Wait how do you guys play? There are some different rules.

    1. If someone says, "I lost the game" everyone around them loses the game as well.

    2. If someone says, "I lost the game", technically only that person lost. Not the fault of the other people, so they don't lose
    Post by: Rexyggor_thenewmember, Aug 1, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Rexyggor_thenewmember

    OOC: I'm not that cruel. Kitties are soo cool.
    Ishah followed the trail of blood. It weaved in and out through the grass. Maybe the dark angel expected someone to find it and try to follow. The blood trailed onto the sidewalk. At this point she was pretty far away from where she had met Ame. When she started following the red stains on the pavement, a thought had his her. "Why would a dark Angel be bleeding?" She muttered it just loud enough so that Ame could hear. When she looked at the body, it didn't seem to have any defense mechanism, though the defense could have possibly been knocked out of the hand a much longer time ago.

    She followed the trail into an alley. She looked where the blood stopped. "This must be where the creatan figure out he was bleeding. She looked up. She saw someone standing there. He seemed to be... crying.

    He had short brown hair. He was wearing grayish blue jeans that were almost black, but anyone could tell they were blue, but were very dark and gray-fixed. He also had on a black shirt with a blue design on it. The design almost looked like flames. It was short-sleeve. Which was odd because it was very cold. He wore black gloves with red lining. They were cut off at the fingers. on his left arm, which faced away from the the way the two girls had come, was bandaged.

    "Are you okay?" She asked. She wasn't sure if a Dark Angel had killed the body now.

    Lance wiped his eyes, "I'm okay. Just doing some... thinking" Lance had to lie. He couldn't tell two complete strangers that he had just killed a man so that he could stay alive. That would've made him dead automatically.

    He went down the fire escape he climbed just a few moments before. He looked at the two girls. One seemed really nice. The other he wasn't sure what to think. She had been quiet since the two appeared.

    "What happened to your arm?"

    "I got into a fight. Then the guy I was fighting picked up a piece of shredded glass and cut my arm. Then i went into a frenzy and really hurt him. I removed myself from the situation and came here." It wasn't the whole truth. He decided to leave out the part how he had promised that the man's death would've been quick. He also left out the part where he killed him and left him in the tall grass as he took the liberty to take blood from the victim. He also left out, again, that he was a dark angel and if he hadn't killed the man, he would be in his true form right now. It wasn't the time to say anything.

    The truth, he had asked a man to come into the alley they were currently in. Lance had told the guy that he had to kill him. He didn't enjoy the thought. It was hard for him. Then, when he tried to pin down the unsuspecting man, he kicked Lance in the stomach and went for a weapon, the piece of glass. The man cut up Lance's arm and then smelling the blood, Lance went into, well, a frenzy. He slashed at the man. He was starting to transform. His hands had already become the vicious claws that were his true form. Terrified, all the stranger could do was run away. He made the mistake of running to the grass to hide. Lance had followed him quickly and then leaped as his legs grew powerful. Then, he killed him as he he took blood from the wounds, making sure that the death seemed more like a regular murder more than a death from a Dark Angel.

    Lance stood in front of Ishah. "Mind if I see it?" Ishah had a special gift of treating wounds. For some reason, she could use her energy to help stop the bleeding and help it not hurt as much. Though the pain had to go somewhere. It went to her body. The pain transfers to her body and just surges for a little bit. Then she becomes sore the next day. It was a pain, (puns) but she felt good inside.

    Lance pulled off the bandage. It was a deep cut. Ishah was going to have to use a little extra power. she grabbed Lance's hand and then hovered her hand above the wound. Her hand started glowing. It was a nice, soothing white glow, which caused Lance to clam himself. He wasn't scared.

    When she was finished, Ishah took back her hand and winced. The pain was a little stronger than usual, but it was nothing she couldn't handle.

    OOC: I hope that the power is alright...? I wanted to pull something out of my *ss
    Post by: Rexyggor_thenewmember, Aug 1, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Rexyggor_thenewmember
    I enjoy reading it.. to an extent. It's a little sad...? I'm entirely sure how i shoudl react. I like the fact that it's different characters and from HSM (I really like it, I'll admit), though it's the KH storyline. Though it's kind of different cause you're even describing the playing, not just the movies. But i was wondering if you wrote the description of what was happening because it's really good. I wasn't sure if you wrote it or you edited it.
    Post by: Rexyggor_thenewmember, Jul 31, 2009 in forum: Archives
  16. Rexyggor_thenewmember
    K. I'm gonna finish that post now... woops. I hope to have pictures before then.
    Post by: Rexyggor_thenewmember, Jul 31, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Rexyggor_thenewmember

    Ishah looked around. She didn't see a cat anywhere. She knelt over, staying on her feet. Her knees were to her chest now. She looked around, seing that if she was at about the height of a cat, she'd be able to see it. She watched as the cat trotted over to Ame. Its face seemed a little discolored. "hmm..."

    Ishah went into the grass and looked at where the cat had previously been. She looked down and saw a dead body. Blood was stained all over the figure and it looked to be a male. Ishah couldn't tell. Blood was dripping out of his mouth as he lied there motionless. There was a trail of blood that went through the grass which led, who knows where.

    "Dark Angel..." She stood there, anger filling up her being. She stayed calm though. She felt the body. It was still fairly warm. "This happened recently. Maybe we can get to the Dark Angel and end it."

    OOC: BTW, along with my character's power, her energy is usually a color represented by her mood. Though when she uses it, it's usually an orange color to represent her fury. If it's not orange then she isn't using it for fighting purposes.
    And here's one more...

    Full name: Lance Grapleo
    Username: Rexyggor_thenewmember
    Age: 19
    Class: Dark Angel
    Bio: All his life, he hated himself. He never wanted to be a Dark Angel. Though he couldn't help it. He was immediately determined tobe a part of them from the moment he was born. He despises himself because he has to feed on BM-Organization, PS Society, or plain-old citizens. If there was only a way to change himself.
    Personality: Depressing. Pessimistic a little.
    Tattoo and where is it: a symbol for the great black griffin. On the back of his left shoulderblade. (the tattoo is black and has some ice blue highlights)
    Weapon(s): Usually uses daggers. They have white handles.
    Sexuality: Still trying to figure it out
    Crush/soulmate: N/A
    Miscellaneous: I will get a picture of his true form I promise! I have one, but I think I should ask permission before using them. So i do. But the true form is a black griffin with icy-blue claws and icy-blue tips of some feathers.There is also a dark blue strip that runs from where the beak meets feathers and runs in between his eyes and goes to the middle of the "top" of his head.
    Appearance: Same thing. I found something. I'll tell you the appearance. Picture comes when I can get it.
    Brown, short hair. Athletic body. Defined muscles, and fairly tall. He always wear the color blue.
    Post by: Rexyggor_thenewmember, Jul 31, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Rexyggor_thenewmember
    the digi-rap sucks... Not the proudest moment for some die-hard fans.
    Post by: Rexyggor_thenewmember, Jul 31, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Rexyggor_thenewmember


    I saw previews for it... I don't find it funny. At all. Except I think there was one joke that I kind of enjoyed.

    But I heard that the movie in theatres took out a lot of things and some of the trailers have clips that the movie doesnt. I don't kwno if that's true, but that's what I've heard.

    I'm not interested in seeing this movie anyway.
    Post by: Rexyggor_thenewmember, Jul 31, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  20. Rexyggor_thenewmember


    I think that this is something we shouldn't really worry about. If the world ends, the world ends. If it doesn't, it doesn't.

    Either way half the people will be wrong. And then we won't refer to the Mayan Calendar anymore. Simple as that.

    I don't specifically want to believe it. Especially because of the fact that it would just end. I find that hard to believe.

    And you guys do realize that it's not just Mayan calendar? There are other things that point to that. I'm not an expert but there was someone (really important guy) and he predicted the end of the world in 2012 through religious aspects. I think their religious.

    I knwo that's not concrete evidence but you can probably find that info on the history channel because that's where I watched it.

    Yeah, there's that too. All the hype can cause chaos within itself.
    Yeah, the paths of meteors have been studied more far advanced into the future. Around 2023, there's supposed to be some sort of meteor that will barely miss the planet, and then either the same meteor or a new one, most likely the same, will come back two years later with direct impact.

    but with the Earth breaking apart, that's how they theorized how some moons are created. More to the point, our moon.
    Post by: Rexyggor_thenewmember, Jul 31, 2009 in forum: Discussion