Maybe...... Maybe not lol
I wish I was cool enough to sword fight. I hit myself too much.
HI *waves*
Who we talking about?
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, thats why you always get solos and major singing parts. And as for the comp thing, I would be more than happy to hear you rant if you could make this thing go faster. :(
My laptop loads the vid to slow. I really don't want to wait that long. I'm not kidding, it will take an hour JUST to load the vid. Oh, and, you do not sing horrible.
I didn't watch the whole vid. I only watched til I figured out what you were singing
Where are you in the vid? Just curious.
*Is bored* What should I do?
Free to Be Me ~ Francesca Battistelli
*Does the whole bubble thing* What with the ranting? Oh, Shade Tail, Did you eat a gender swapping cookie again? Because you are currently a chick.
Hmmmmmm......... Probably Axel, Luxord, or Xalden.
Skin HEY! I'm not noobish, I was just bored!
Sure, what is it.
Hey everybody, whats up?
Tag your it :poke:
Really.... thats the best come back you have. Even you can do better than that, Amby. XD