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  1. *TwilightNight*
    "Roxas, don't go runnin' off like that on me," Axel scolded lightly when he reached the blond boy, coming out of the dark portal before it dissipated into nothing. There was no telling who was the cause of all the screaming, so jumping into the open fire wasn't very cognitive for many reasons. His tone wasn't that stern, just blank, as he looked around the vicinity they were now in. He knew the spot, Market Street, as it was the path that led to the sandlot where certain events of Twilight Town took place. He had been here many times to know about the every day lives. And now, with Roxas, it was a sort of attachment as their hang out place of choice. Despite all this, he did sense a good amount of energy gathering down the direction. And he didn't like it. It's presence. His body tensed naturally, knowing they were about to face a certain opponent, and hoped that the constant Heartless killing didn't completely tire them out. Whoever it was, he already felt irritated. It chose the perfect time when he was needing a break. Nonetheless, face tight, he ran to the center of the source, a short way already to reach the destination. He didn't bother to say anything to Roxas, as the kid was two steps ahead of him, and making quite the fast bee line in determination, passing him. He knew that he was too pure yet for such things as dealing with blood curling screams. In life as an Organization member, and the 8th, he had seen a lot, and thus, was not chilled by it anymore. Not that he could be. He was an emotionless, walking shell void of a Heart, with only a trace of deep thoughts that came from his past self. With the arrival of the XIIIth member, though, and talking to him as a friend, having fun, laughing, worrying about reminded him of his childhood memories. And for some unknown explanation he couldn't figure out, the more time spent, the more he felt as if...he wasn't the same any longer. Shaking the contemplation away, he stopped when he noticed they were in the expected sandlot. And when his vision took in the scene, he automatically summoned his chakrams in a swirl of fire in his hands, and glared up at the person standing overlooking it all with apparent distaste. Arrogant as hell, too, he could tell. In that pose, hooded, as if he was some dark badass. He scoffed. It seemed as he was obviously waiting for them, however, so this was done to lure them in. Or he expected the arrival. What for, he did not know. But he wasn't as interesting as his best friend was, that was certain.

    It's from that other Organization, no doubt..., he studied the crystals around the space curiously, raising his eyebrows. Those are...?


    "Who the hell are you?!" Roxas yelled in a growl, frowning at the cloaked man, no doubt responsible for the screaming of the innocent citizens he had heard before. He was entirely up there, calm. It was truthfully one thing to kill Heartless, and he was aware that the group he was in kept to themselves. It was just the atmosphere you got in the castle. Yet, when one puts simple bystanders in danger for some inadequate reason that wouldn't be justifiable, especially in a town that felt like a home itself, made a part of him angry. When he listened to the people and the sounds of horror, there was no possible way he could not go and check what was happening. Who would when you could help? And he didn't know what it was either, he just did not like this person by this action alone. And that was saying quite a bit, considering who he lived with. A few who were emotionless sometimes. As...they were born and cursed with. With the outfit, it was perhaps that other union of humanoid Nobodies that he and Axel had previously talked about. And following his friend's movements, he called forth the Kingdom Key in a flash of light, stance at the ready for anything. He let out a breath, the consequence from the work of eradicating the dark creatures still on his body. But he wasn't going to not try his best, regardless.
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jul 19, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. *TwilightNight*
    Difficult damn sea critters. Making it that there is no solution. Horrible parents too. Cannibals! Rawr!

    Best way is to sell or give them to the pet store then if you can't find anymore people.
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jul 19, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  3. *TwilightNight*
    I am in the same situation as Amby, as you know, my friend.

    Maybe you can buy another aquarium, a cheaper one or so. Just to keep the males in line. If not, just sale the males completely. Best way. Or keep one separate unless you want to have more impregnate fishies :P.
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jul 19, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  4. *TwilightNight*
    I have yet to see Harry Potter. Or Transformers, for that matter -_-.

    One of them is going to die out of exhaustion if they keep bonking it out >.>. And popping up mini fishies.

    You can always sell or give away the babies when they grow to a certain size.

    But I don't trust people and their fish keeping skills unless those sea critters have been alive for at least a year *^*.
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jul 18, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  5. *TwilightNight*
    Manga = No good. No trust. No canon.


    And I apologize, but that does not look like a female body unless by that point, Xion was appparent in the true nature, and appeared as Sora. That's obviously a male's body, exactly how Roxas looked in the Organization XIII's cloak, and his stance. That's definitely no girl. Compare Xion's body of Days to this, and you see that it is impossible. Not Axel either, considering he's much taller, skinnier, tight sleeves, etc. People have speculated it is a form of Roxas's inner self when he was in the Organization. However, there is really no clear conclusion.

    Who knows? It might be that Coded unknown that keeps messing with the data.

    Nomura can actually retcon that in easily. "Oi, you remember that unknown cloaked guy in Roxas's Awakening?! lololololololololololoyeah, that that unknown dude's from Coded first appearancelawl."
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jul 18, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  6. *TwilightNight*
    The thing is, I haven't really seen people even take the characterization, the different characterization, into consideration as much as everything else. Including how much they aren't the same people when compared to the actual game. Changed personalities, changed attitudes. Or slightly distorted. They are either more gruffer, more meaner. Or the utter opposite of what they are known for. Even if they like it, the fanfiction writers either follow the game, because that's what's true in the end. Or, the majority, follow their own idea of what the characters could be evolved to for dimension. Zexion, for example, all of what I've read about him follows his real individuality. Not someone that would actually play Twister. Or do chores that's on a wheel. Unless it was crack fanfiction. It's the same with the setting and other add-ins too, like Nomura Fried chicken, or chips, or actual real word games, or music, or whatever is present. Nobody gives it any thought. Because it isn't meant to be serious. Truthfully, I have YET to see any kind of person that actually takes the manga and the revision of the characters from it as fact, when it is not canon. Or why add it to the existing character when it is not canon as well. They'll be way off sometimes. If you're doing some manga fanfiction of it that takes place in its universe, okay. You're taking it from there, and you're doing the characterization that it shows.

    But for the actual series? So far, as I aforementioned, fanfiction writers have followed what is shown in the games. Or novels, depending how much you're willing to portray from there. The ones who don't are the ones who haven't played it and read the manga only. Which is rare as heck. Be aware that they would soon be corrected if they ever come into a forum for questions, or be inquired as to why the characters are so off based.

    And as I posted, Nomura already said himself that the question shouldn't come up, at least with him, and that it's the writers' ideas and what they want to do. Not his. He just gives permission and overlooks it somewhat. I'm sure once Shiro Amano got the information needed about the games, and some basic plot elements, he created his own version. It's not even positive that Nomura had his hand on the KH2 manga other than making certain that nothing goes out of whack and telling basic information about the plot and events. I just know that his name is listed (or maybe it had always been there in the whole manga series, and this time, one actually bothered to put it in the description when searching for it), whether it's to give him credit for the character designs or something else. And he even says that it contradicts. I don't know why anyone want to base their characters off of something that contradicts as the manga does.

    We never were able to properly explore the castle because Sora didn't need to. Which is why now that we got Days, we get a hint of more places since Roxas lives there. If the Organization was meant to eat, they would have shown it. Or if they had a kitchen, they would have shown it. They obviously didn't mind presenting them sleeping, or their rooms as we got more information now that we actually see the castle interior. Or them going hungry and eating chips, and Nomura Fried Chicken >.>. Whatever the case, it's mostly irrelevant, because if the games don't show it, then it doesn't exist. Period.

    I don't know know whether you actually take the manga more for characterization and other farfetched stuff that's in there, than the novel or not. If that's what you are trying to say. Considering one is written by someone on the inside, and has more credibility and trust (novel), rather than someone that doesn't work for SE at all or helps with the games. Yet, they definitely don't constitute the nonsense into the character portrayal. If they do, it's also rare as heck.

    The manga is for fun with some plot points and extras. Nothing more, nothing less.

    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jul 17, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  7. *TwilightNight*
    As said, I think that's more on the KHII Manga, if anything. Which I believe Nomura put a large direction on than usual with past works. Probably to make up for the lack of what he actually put in the actual game. I, at least, expect Shiro Amano to know what the hell is going on with the series so he won't go that far into deviating from it as much as he has done. So, I take liberty with that. I mentioned that it does take basic plot points, but we don't really know how much of those "fills" that make up the blank areas are actually true. Or how much it changed. And there's a contrast and difference in the characters as well. For example, Kairi is much more nicer and more open, shows care for others than in the actual game itself presented. Zexion plays Twister. That should explain enough. The manga even contradicts the novels too, sometimes. Especially the recent KHII chapters 34 and 35.

    Like, Saix not wanting to kill his old friend.

    And we all know that in the novels, and in the game, he really had no qualms, or self-thought, about that. The only thing that came close to him hesitating in the novels, was where he questioned how Axel got a heart. This is what I mean when I say just how much of those blank areas that the manga provides are canon. Does Saïx not wanting to kill Axel work into what he was thinking or doing in the behind the scenes, and also in Days? Sure.

    Is it what actually happened?


    Again, some scenes don't even happen in both games and novels.

    That's why it's no use to take the manga seriously, despite that it has its moments. You have to look at it with that perspective, or else, you'll get confused and lost. Or even question what's real or not, which shouldn't occur. It's an enjoyable read and adaptation, comedy and it's crack. It's good to comment on, you can talk about it, and what you wish was in the game. But it changes plenty things that just clash with a lot. Shiro Amano is basically doing his own interpretation of a official game series. And, which he has permission to.

    That's why, the games are always first and foremost.
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jul 17, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  8. *TwilightNight*

    The manga is not canon. I don't know how many times I'm going to say this. It completely deviates from the real plot of the games (Repliku surviving, Xaldin being killed by Vexen clones when he's like, the third strongest Organization officially, etc.), and there is so many crack pot things in it that you can't expect for it to be fact. What characterization? Zexion playing Twister? Nerdy, keeps to himself, serious, polite, very reserved, book smart, Zexion? Xaldin actually in charge of the spinner, when in reality, he'll probably throw a lance at the idea of it? The Organization do nothing in the lounge except sit, chill, or wait on missions in the actual reality of things. If you mix the manga with the actual games, you'll actually get confusion just like Breakeven was suffering from until I told him not to take that adaptation seriously.

    The manga is meant to go at it looking for nothing short of serious things that the Organization does. The manga has its own canon universe, and it's not tied to the games as one might think they are. Of course, there are certain things gotten from said game, like what you mentioned, Axel getting owned and all, but that's the basic plot points. We already knew Saïx had Kairi, and what was missing was how she escaped from Axel then. I did say summary. But the actions and some of the things that take place other than the basis is fabricated.

    In fact, I'm just going to post the recent question and Nomura's answer of an interview, cause I'm getting tired of explaining it to you. And it seems you won't take it unless it's from the big man's mouth. The link has spoilers, obviously, so if no one wants to click:

    As I said, the only thing I'll take into consideration is the KH2 manga, which Nomura is listed in there, so I'm guessing he directed some things on what should have been in KH2 and told Shiro to add certain stuff in. And the Novels, that, while it may contradict the game sometimes, it's written by one of the scenario writers on Days. So I tend to think she would know more about it than anyone else as she works on the inside.

    Otherwise, the manga is crack and is another writer's imagination, opinion, and vision.
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jul 16, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  9. *TwilightNight*
    The manga is a summary of the game with a bunch of comedy, changes, and full of complete and utter crack. It's basically fanfiction officially published.

    In other words, not canon, so don't take anything in there seriously ^o^.

    Games first amongst everything else.
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jul 16, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  10. *TwilightNight*
    I'd say it was KH1: FM as well. He needed some type of memory to create the doll, and that's the perfect time to have gotten the sample. You have to recall that like Marluxia in Castle Oblivion, he phased through Sora in the same manner. And then of course, I doubt it would be hard for Xemnas to visit the pod and take some or lose some, unless Naminé was there 24/7. And it doesn't even have to be that, since Xion being a memory replica, the memories leak from Sora, to Roxas to "her", from what I've gotten.

    Quite confusing, but meh.
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jul 16, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  11. *TwilightNight*
    I'll give you a few ideas as to why a lot of people think that way:

    If you play the game, and see his reactions and expressions, Axel's attitude with Xion it's quite questionable. He's really rough and crude with her (in Japanese, Axel is actually really rude with his words, even to his superiors, more so when pissed of. It's hard to translate over to English, but think Japanese "rudely" in how we say, "bitch", and "bullshit", if we need a comparison as to how badly it is), I noticed. Maybe if it wasn't for the fact that we've seen how much Axel cares for Roxas, we wouldn't have this problem about their interaction. But, we do. And it is a problem. For example, he at least tries to be patient with Roxas despite his temper starting to flare, until he can't take it. When he's talking to Xion in front of the mansion, actually, whenever he confronts her, it's like he didn't attempt it at all. He starts yelling at her. There's seriously such a difference with how he treats Xion and Roxas. I'm not an AkuRoku, but even from a friendship standpoint, Axel's much more compassionate, and so dedicated to the boy as someone with the title of a friend should. He argued and waited a few days not to annihilate Roxas when he was memory wiped as much as possible in KH2. He already said in his diary/secret report in Days that he won't let Roxas get erased no matter what the cost as well, yet with Xion, he was already debating on whether to kill her (no matter what the problem is, or who she is, he said himself also in the Secret Report a friend is a friend and Xion is Xion). In other words, he chose Roxas over her quite easily. Granted, he couldn't kill her, but he toyed with the idea for a "best friend". Then comes how sad he was over Roxas just simply leaving the Organization (compared to Xion's death. WTF? He didn't easily accept Roxas disappearing into Sora forever. But, all he does knowing Xion will die, is...lay in bed and be in thought?). Then how upset, not angry, not blown over in fury, upset he was when trying to get Roxas to return and realize he isn't the best friend he knew. Cue angst. Even when they hang out, unless Xion usually says something over to him, he mostly talks and directs his conversations to Roxas.

    Sorry to say, but there is a stark contrast that needs to be looked over for someone like Axel to label Xion a "best friend", because he sure doesn't act like one the way he does to his other best friend.

    I'm not saying Axel hates Xion. You can't really hate someone you've spent time with, and who's done nothing to you. And he does care for her in some form. But, if it wasn't for Roxas, whose idea it was to eat ice cream together as three in the clock tower in the first place (and you should see Axel's face when he returns from Castle Oblivion, and how Roxas admits he's been eating ice cream with someone else. And he gets irritated sometimes in the beginning when Roxas spends too much time with Xion to add in), Axel would not have bat an eyelash over her or bother to speak with her. He definitely prefers and has favoritism over Roxas better. I've experienced myself in how he feels, as I've had my best friend, and then suddenly someone comes to join in our duo, and they begin to spend more time together and whatnot. I don't know whether that played a part, or if he's just frustrated, yet, the friendship between him and Xion is not that strong. That much is true.

    And honestly, Roxas is perhaps the only connection that actually keeps them together.

    Oh, and bringing Xion back was actually an order, from what I understand in those bubble text cut scenes.
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jul 16, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  12. *TwilightNight*
  13. *TwilightNight*
    Profile Post

    Sarcasm, bon amie.

    Sarcasm, bon amie.
    Profile Post by *TwilightNight* for Asterisk, Jul 16, 2009
  14. *TwilightNight*
  15. *TwilightNight*
    OOC: What I'd liked to know is how Demyx knows Axel has a huge "dong" >.>.

    "Ugh, Demyx, please multiply some huge amount of testosterone for yourself, for the sake of us present. That's more nasty than the mess Vexen is right now," Larxene remarked viciously, with a strained tone that resembled one trying not to smell anything and holding their breath. She wriggled her nose in repulsion as her face cringed, eyebrows furrowing. So many disgusting things in just a minute. She had been having a rather hard time breathing, actually. If Vexen's body didn't fade, which was odd in itself, she didn't want to be present when it started to decompose. Now that was horror. She didn't want to vomit her nonexistence out with the stench that it will bring. But, of course, now it was being replaced by the aroma of piss. Joy. All she was doing was laying her body on the wall after Roxas finished his spaz attack, arms crossed. And then this had to happen. Maybe she could just electrocute Demyx to death. If the killer got him first, she sure won't mind. Then again, she wouldn't have anyone to bully her boring missions and work into, but that was just a minor sacrifice she would have to pay. She didn't know how Axel could even be near the guy in this situation, yet at least it wasn't her dealing with it. Rolling her eyes, she watched as the redhead approached the whimpering figure, and simply being disinterested, thought of something else. It appeared they were in what would be called, a "horror film". She had seen a few in her human life when she could, and had gotten the rules perfectly well on what not to do. She didn't know how those would work in the problem that they were facing, but there had to be some truth to it. Well, at least when she watched the movies, she knew exactly what the idiots of the characters should have done. They just lacked the common sense so they can be slaughtered and give the audience a good show. The only reason why she suddenly snapped back to attention was when Demyx yelled, and with a dark expression on her face, glowered at the water wielder. She snorted quietly. Yeah, I'll give him one minute before he breaks his 'mental preparation'...and that's even a gift.

    She didn't know how he was going to change his pants per Axel's suggestion, considering he had to go to his room or so to replace his wet one. That's where she tuned out again, waiting for them to finish up whatever they wanted to. Preparation to go. What really got to her, and which she disagreed with once Axel finished with Roxas, was the fact that he was barking out orders. Do this and that. Who the hell put him in charge? Xemnas was knocked out, but wasn't this suppose to be a group vote? That they choose who was the perfect candidate to lead? Her deadly gaze was now directed at the Flurry of Dancing Flames in a small bit of annoyance. He was smart enough to keep Demyx out of the casting calls, yet, she was going to be vehemently against this. He did say if they had complaints, that they speak now. Might as well. Right after Demyx shut up in time. Which he did. "OBJECTION." Her voice came out in a growl, and she placed her arms by her side, starting to walk towards Axel in fizzling steps. But she didn't wait to reach him to speak her opinion as she hissed, "Who the hell made you the commander here? And already you're doing the wrong thing. Splitting up? That's just asking for the killer to come in on cue and finish us off one by one. Power and safety in numbers. Haven't you ever seen what happens to those who 'split up'? That's right, they die! Or at least faster than they would have if they were smart enough to stay together. One drastic rule when dealing with some crazed psychopath is that. As well as not to panic."

    She sent this to Demyx in particular, giving him a threatening evil eye if he dare do such a thing. Someone had to get through him. He wasn't going to be their Achilles's heel if she could help it. "And then of course, there's the part that if you're a girl, and a hot one at that, you're in danger. But since none of you are females...well, biologically, anyway, we can scratch that out."

    Naturally, it was there she realized what she just said.

    She was basically a primary target.

    Then again, most of the girls do survive for the most part in horror movies, so perhaps she was not in complete danger.

    - ✖ -​

    Roxas was very open-minded to a lot of things. Mostly because he had a lot to learn as of yet, without the proper memories. He wasn't born with them, despite the fact that they had been haunting him lately. And so he was kind of...slow on certain things. But even he noticed the weird aroma before Axel had spoken anything to confirm what it was. And on top of what kind of state Vexen was in, due to everyone's reaction, he slightly felt sick. He wouldn't think Demyx was capable of that. Sure, he wasn't the bravest of the members, and he did skip out on missions, and acted like a coward. But enough to actually...go to the bathroom in his pants? He was certain that the sight of the scientist was bad, of course, yet, it was very odd nonetheless to commit an action to pee. The most proper reaction would be to vomit, turn away, or just feel ill. Not...that. He had thought Demyx was a bit better. Then there was the whimper. He didn't find the whole prospect funny, especially that he had to go and change his pants when there was a killer, supposedly, that could be anywhere. Going off alone wasn't the best idea unless they would be able to get a brand new pair of slacks. He sighed, not seeing anything as of yet, still having his eyes shut. His best friend, who had patted him in the shoulder, didn't need to tell him about Vexen's fate at this point. He frowned a bit, and kept silent, head bowed at the thought of one of them murdered. Even if he barely spend time with him, if at all, he was still...a sort of person, right? Flickering his eyelids open, slowly, making certain he was facing the right way, where he wouldn't see Vexen's body, he looked at everyone. The least they could do was cover the old man in a sign of respect, and so no one would have to keep seeing the mutilation he was in. There had to be a sheet around. With this in mind, and feeling much better than he had before, he pushed himself up to his feet, dusting off his cloak. And being careful not to check in a direction he didn't particularly want to see, he proceeded to walk. As this was a lab, there was a hospital bed with a white cover, and while Axel started explaining what they should do, he went over to it, yanking it off it's perch. Obviously, he wasn't going to actually place it on top of the carcass himself, but, he hoped somebody will do the act in some form for him. He had listened to the redhead at the same time, not entirely positive if splitting up so soon would be a good idea. His focus on that was interrupted when Larxene's high pitched voice wrecked his ear drums, and he turned around to watch the female mouth off to the redhead. Disagreeing, he supposed. He didn't think leadership would be a problem in the situation. But, there were others who perhaps thought that one was not capable. He observed the show for awhile in disinterest until she was done, saying something about girls being killed, or "hot" girls, while he already had the bed sheet in his hands. Truthfully, he didn't want to worry or be concerned over spotting Vexen accidentally all the time. However at this point, he didn't know whether to disrupt the whole thing, or let the argument finish.

    Scratching his head, he stepped forward to the huddle group of Axel, Demyx, and Larxene, the rest not far from them. In the end, he just patted Axel on the arm casually, thinking he was the best candidate for this job, considering Demyx's reaction to Vexen, and Larxene wouldn't just plain do it because she was like that. Marluxia wouldn't do it either, and he wasn't familiar with Zexion or Lexeaus. Hoping he wasn't getting angry, he held up the blanket with a shrug. "Not to sound like a prude, but will anyone bother to put this on top of Vexen? Will save us from having the picture pop up every time..."
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jul 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. *TwilightNight*
    Oh, alright. I'll tell you when I'm on =P.
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jul 15, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  17. *TwilightNight*
    Ansem Retort.

    Gotta love it.

    And awwww, Pyrɸ-chan, it's okay. My invisible words said no offense =3. Does this make anyone feel better?

    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jul 15, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  18. *TwilightNight*
    Alright, okay. That's good. So many things to respond to. Seriously, if I go away for a week without any computer...


    Oh, and:


    No offense to those Twilight-ers.
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jul 15, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  19. *TwilightNight*
    YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Perfect! I'll make sure to finish it up faster than Larxene's speed can rip off people's guts with her kitty claws =P. I've been long due for MSN, anyway. Some people are going to kill me xDD.
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jul 14, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  20. *TwilightNight*
    I know, I know! T-T Way too long. And now you're on a few times! :'D I'll get on MSN soon, just have to finish something =P. That way I can have free time.
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jul 14, 2009 in forum: Forum Families