But only a dream at this point.......... sigh.
I was thinking more gold plated flower petals but yes flamingos would be good.
Then i'll buy a summer house here on the beach. SOOO MANY EXPENSIVE SHINY THINGS WILL DECORATE MY DRIVEWAY!!
D: When i win the lottery i'm going there.
My feet are cold D: WINTER SUCKS ASS!!
I know right?
SPUNKEH!!! o.o
i liiiiiiiiiiiiiive!!!!
Ok so see all the negative space i need to fill the majority of it. But with what dear people...... WHAT!!
Way to bright. The effects covering the focal kill it. V1's smudging is to messy and kills the tag. Text doesn't belnd with the rest of the tag and looks out of place.
Hot but you have negative space in abundance and not much real flow. Kill the boarder or at least make it thinner.
[COLOR=\"DeepSkyBlue\"]Don\'t Judge me with your[/COLOR] V1 V2 V3 [COLOR=\"deepskyblue\"]You know the drill people. CnC.[/COLOR]
Sigh not for me. Being a senior sucks cause there's always heaps of work.
I'm pretty geeeeeeeewd. Been busy with heaps of school work. YOU?
hey taffy!!!!
D: Well i hope that goes all smooooooooothly. SO HOW ARE YOU!!!!
HOLY COW!!!! Are you like worried?
OMG WHAT!!!!!? *yes yelling gives me chills*
Wrong as in terms of color or placement?
I DON'T KNOW WHY YOUR SO LATE IN REPLYING!!! *is actually mellow but using caps so it looks like i'm yelling*