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  1. Stardust


    I just joined wikia xD.
    And I was editing a wiki and I thought I was adding a category TO the page and instead I added the page to a category and was too stupid to realize that all I had to do to fix it was go back to page editing and delete the frickin' category... I freaked out for fifteen minutes and asked a question on wikihelp and everything...
    ... For no reason.


    Thread by: Stardust, Jul 9, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Stardust
    If you mouseover my rep gems, it says "Stardust knows what they're talking about."
    I don't even know if this is possible, but I'd thought I'd throw it out there -- Is it possible to make it so "they're" will turn into "she's" or "he's" depending on what gender you've specified in your profile?
    Like since I put I was female in my profile info, it would say "Stardut knows what she's talking about." And if I haven't specified a gender, it would just stay 'they're'. Same for other rep titles that have 'they're' or 'their' in them.
    *Shrug* I dunno. I'm guessing can't be done anyway, but thought if it was it'd be interesting.
    Thread by: Stardust, Jul 7, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  3. Stardust
    That's one small step for the gaming industry, one HUGE-ASS LEAP for visual novel fans.

    LINK: Shuffle! Article
    LINK: Higurashi Article

    I do believe there was an announcement for Da Capo II as well, but I can't find an article on it.
    In any case, I can't stand anything eroge, especially Shuffle, so I'll stay away from that for sure... But as for Higurashi? Consider it BOUGHT.

    What does worry me is what will become of the fan-translation currently in the works, with one arc finished and another in progress... If they get a cease and desist it'll be very sad =/ The translators behind the project have put a lot of effort into it.
    Thread by: Stardust, Jul 6, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Gaming
  4. Stardust

    Safe Mode

    On Windows...

    ...Is slowly killing me inside.

    That is all.
    Thread by: Stardust, Jul 5, 2009, 21 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Stardust
    ...On a dog hairbrush.

    Thread by: Stardust, Jun 30, 2009, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Stardust
    I am genuinely surprised, it seems nobody has insomuch as mentioned this series on this forum before. Strange. Very strange.

    In any case, the anime adaptation of this comes out in a matter of days (July 2nd, I believe?), so I figured... Why not make a thread?

    Anybody else played the visual novel/read the manga? I've actually only played through the first chapter ;_;. I'm saving my money for something other than the visual novel right now, but once I've bought that Umineko will be the first thing on my list.

    For those of you who don't know, this is the sequel to Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (in a way). It has a different setting and characters, but connects to Higurashi in the way the universe functions... I suppose... I don't really know how to explain it otherwise.

    DISCUSS. ~
    Thread by: Stardust, Jun 27, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  7. Stardust

    I also love Cats and Hydrophobia. And the rest of Orisinal. Yeah.

    ...I just went back to Orisinal for the first time in probably years today and I'm in love with it <3.
    Thread by: Stardust, Jun 24, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Stardust


    ...What breed of dog I own.

    Her name is Scooter, by the way.


    Thread by: Stardust, Jun 23, 2009, 23 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Stardust
    Wtf is with Japanese controls?!
    O and X have been switched in KHFM and I keep attacking when I should be jumping DX.
    ...And vice versa.
    Are all JP games like this?! >>


    DX That and I can only hope I'm not frying the inside of it by plugging it in without a converter.

    Thread by: Stardust, Jun 19, 2009, 23 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Stardust
    So I'm seriously considering buying a Japanese PS2. Swap Magic seems really hard to find and I'm really uncomfortable with taking my PS2 apart, even if it's just taking the front of the disc tray off, so I'd rather just grab a PS2 off of eBay.
    But after doing some research, it looks like Japanese voltages are different from the ones we use here (I live in the U.S.), however I can never get a clear answer on what the exact voltages are. Some people say they're the same as United States voltages, some people say they're different. Some people say the differences will hurt the PlayStation, others say that it won't do anything.
    The most common answer I get is that Japanese outlets go at 100V, and that U.S. go at 110-120V. But I still can't find a single answer on whether or not the PS2 can handle the extra volts. Does anybody know for sure what the voltages are, and if the PS2 can handle it?
    Please help, I don't want to fry my PS2 as soon as I buy it. ._.
    Thanks in advance.
    Thread by: Stardust, Jun 11, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Technology
  11. Stardust
    All right, so here's the issue. This is a bit of an old (manufactured about five years ago) HP Pavilion I'm on, running on Windows XP Media Center Edition. It's still fairly fast, but lately it's been acting stranger and stranger.

    About two years ago (October 2007), I updated my iTunes program to get the higher quality iTunes plus music or whatever that it kept insisting I update for, and ever since, I have been unable to use the internet for any new program I download. I have not updated any program I had before then (IE6 and Windows Live Messenger) out of fear they would no longer work, and newer programs like AIM and Avast! act as if my internet connection is nonexistent (along with iTunes of course). I have tried since updating iTunes to fix this problem, but I can't figure out what's wrong.
    Secondly, I have a virus. It will run Internet Explorer in the background so that I can't see it, and sometimes I'll be able to hear ads playing but not be able to close out of them without hitting control+alt+delete, going to processes, and manually closing IEXPLORE.EXE. It will come back up again a few minutes later and periodically continue to shoot ads at me.
    It will also randomly minimize windows I have up, and it doesn't allow me to use USB drives (gives me an error message -- I will update this post with the exact message later, but it has something to do with not being able to handle any more secrets on the drive or similar). My keyboard has been malfunctioning, and it's a wireless USB keyboard, so I'm afraid that the reason why it's doing so is because of the virus. On top of all that, whenever I Google search something, clicking the links it brings up redirects me to some weird ad sites, so I'm forced to copy/paste them into the address bar.
    I just tried downloading Avast, but as I mentioned earlier, when I try installing it the internet issue gets in the way.
    Help? ._.
    EDIT: Also it may be worth noting that I don't think the internet issue and the virus are related, as I've had the internet issue much longer. The virus is pretty recent, like within the last few months... April is when it really started becoming obvious, I think. With that said, I have reason to believe it could be Conficker, as it updated in April, didn't it? Eugh...
    Thread by: Stardust, Jun 8, 2009, 18 replies, in forum: Technology
  12. Stardust
    I just finished this anime earlier today, and I must say it is one of the best anime series I have seen in a long while... Which is a shame, really, because almost nobody has heard of it.
    The series is about a group of students (teenagers) training to be astronauts a few hundred years in the future (2225, I believe). While on the training center in space, the entire thing gets sabotaged, eventually leaving all of the adults dead and the children in a rapidly desintegrating ship. With no other choice, they have to turn to a mysterious ship called the Ryvius, which was hovering above them. Once on board, they realize that nobody is there and decide to stay there until help arrives... But help doesn't appear to be coming. They are forced to try and create a functioning society while waiting, and as time wears on, the situation rapidly deteriorates. It's often compared to the famous novel The Lord of the Flies by William Golding for this reason. In fact, I'd say most people consider it the Lord of the Flies of anime or science fiction.
    Needless to say if you liked Lord of the Flies (Most people apparently don't, but I loved it), you're going to like Infinite Ryvius as well. I still think, though, that if you didn't enjoy that novel that you'll still like Infinite Ryvius, as it's presented in a more approachable manner. I found it to be pretty deep and thought-provoking, especially towards the end, when things begin to get much more tense -- I'd even say it's one of my favorite anime of all time now.
    I highly recommend this show. It's a bit old now (1999), and I must warn that the first six episodes or so were so confusing that I tried watching the show twice before I finally got through them, but it's definitely worth watching.
    Thread by: Stardust, Jun 1, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  13. Stardust

    。。。Does that come up as boxes to you or can you see it?

    Juuust wondering.
    Thread by: Stardust, May 29, 2009, 26 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Stardust
    Anyone want to join a MEP? (FULL as of Aug. 17)

    EDIT III: We are full again as of 8/17/09! Thanks everyone~ Now get those parts in! xD


    EDIT: WE ARE NO LONGER TAKING PARTICIPANTS, as we've reached fifteen people. Thank you to everyone who joined up~!


    People who are underlined in blue & bolded have turned in their WORM part.
    People who are bolded in yellow green have picked a song but haven't turned their part in yet. (Don't worry, you can still change your song if you're in this color).
    People who are bolded in green have chosen a song they may not stick with.
    People who are bolded in black are currently participating but have yet to pick a song.
    People who are not bolded (with an italicized red notice in parentheses) are no longer participating.

    A couple friends in a forum family and I are putting together a MEP/worm (in celebration of summer... Or... Something), but right now we only have three or so people involved. If anyone wants to join up, we're looking for more participants!
    We're thinking about using the same song and giving each person a different part at this point. If you have any song suggestions you can post them here as well ;D We've looked at some Skillet songs so far.
    EDIT: A WORM is looking like a good possibility at this point as well, since we have a fair number of people already.

    Ace Phoenix - Hammerhead - Offspring
    Lulus_Moogle - Ready Set Go! - Tokio Hotel***
    Stardust (no longer a participant)
    Fayt-Harkwind - My Immortal - Evanescence
    GREE06 - Comatose - Skillet
    HayabusaZeroZ - Red - Confession (What's Inside My Head)

    childofturin (no longer a participant)
    TrueKeybladeMaster - Lift - Poets of the Fall
    Cherry - Time to Dance - Panic! At the Disco

    Strawberry/mafia™/Skullyphones~ - Boys and Girls - Blaqk Audio (may not be able to participate)
    Kid Hero/jojoj13 - A Fact of Life - FACT (no longer a participant)
    Cariad/Ice (no longer a participant)
    Envy/Cam - Reminder - Charles Hamilton
    SamuraiHerusan - Hit the Floor - Thousand Foot Krutch
    Sora in Wisdom Form
    Unknownkid - Spit it Out - IAMX
    Ven The Keyblade Master - Down - Jay Sean

    *** Lulus_Moogle has requested that if the video gets muted or taken down for copyright on YouTube, remove her part before reuploading. You can do this with even the most basic of editors, just go in and splice it out, re-render/save, and THEN upload. If anybody else would like this then please PM me. The full MEP will be available for download so everyone can upload it, but please respect those who do not want to be involved in copyright disputes.

    19 total, 4 unable to participate (1 unsure), 15 participants.

    Please Note: On the weekend of 8/22/09, I will be sending out a notice to everyone who joined but hasn't picked a song and everyone who has picked a song but hasn't turned their part in (Members who have turned their part in or have dropped out will not be recieving one though, of couse xD). It'll just be a reminder that you are participating, nothing big. There's still no official 'due date' on your part but I'd like to finish this up soon. Sorry if I sound strict or whatever ._. I'm trying to stay organized.

    EDIT 8/23/09: PM sent. It should look like this:

    Thread by: Stardust, May 26, 2009, 127 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  15. Stardust
    As an Ace Attorney fan, I'd been hearing quite a bit about this game and finally saw a used copy in the store yesterday, so I purchased it. I'm not very far (maybe about an hour to an hour and a half), but I'm really enjoying it -- perhaps not as much as the aformentioned Ace Attorney series, but liking it nonetheless. It has a beautiful art style and an intriguing story -- I have yet to bump into any really challenging puzzles, but seeing as I'm not very far that isn't surprising.

    So, anyone else heard of/played this game? Discuss ~
    Thread by: Stardust, May 18, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: Gaming
  16. Stardust
    ...For thinking this game's trailer is prettymuch amazing.
    It's for the next Higurashi Kizuna game. I have the first one, but I must say that with every release they've looked better and better. I'm going to be honest and say that when I saw this trailer, my jaw dropped and I just sat there watching it over and over like the Higurashi fangirl I am.
    From the looks of it, it has Tsumihoroboshi and Minagoroshi-hen, which are two of my favorite chapters ;o
    Thread by: Stardust, Apr 30, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Gaming
  17. Stardust
    Click for brand new English trailer ~

    The upcoming Ace Attorney game in which we play as a prosecutor -- as Edgeworth, in fact! -- instead of a defense attorney. The game focuses on investigating crime scenes rather than courtroom battles, and I hear it's slated for a Winter release overseas.
    EDIT: This was originally assumed to be North America, but at this point it's looking more like the European release. Chances are N.A. will get it sooner than that if that's the case.

    Thoughts? Personally, I'm extremely excited for this ;D.
    Thread by: Stardust, Apr 28, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Gaming
  18. Stardust


    So, like, a minute ago...
    I made a post in another section...
    Looked at my post count...

    ...And lost the game.

    It truly is evil.

    That is all.
    Thread by: Stardust, Apr 17, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Stardust

    Battle Royale

    I looked through all twelve pages of this section and ran a quick search and came up with no threads on this book; kinda surprising. Maybe I missed it .____. ...

    So yeah, Battle Royale was a novel before it was a film; anyone read it?

    It's a loooot bigger than I thought it was (Just over 600[!] pages), and I'm about a hundred pages in. I think it's pretty good, although sometimes dialogue/sentence structure can be reaaally simplistic or just plain weird. I have a feeling that's more the fault of the translators than the original writer, though, but who am I to be the judge of that? XD
    Anyhow, it's looking to be a really good book, so. Thoughts?
    Thread by: Stardust, Apr 14, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Literature
  20. Stardust


    Oh, avalanche!

    You are the number one
    Natural disaster in Switzerland!

    The Swiss put up barriers to keep you out~
    And build covered roadways to save themselves.

    But it's no use,
    you always kill
    at least a few skiers a year~....
    Thread by: Stardust, Mar 21, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone