My sister and her friend are calling a radio station and asking the guy what his name is. They are saying that he is their best friend and requesting a song. Now they are calling and asking for Billy. They called the radio station and their like: IS THIS BILLY ;_; I got on the phone and apologized. I'm scared D:
I'm the only premium on right now. I feel different >:
Splinters hurt.
[HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SPAMMMMMMMMMMMZONE. [: I love you all so I won't rate you.]
A song with my name in the title. This makes me feel special. :P
He's Just Not Into You... It was a really weird movie;Some of the characters annoyed me to no end "/ Justin Long was pretty good in it though. Spoiler And since I was over my friend's house when I saw it, her overprotective mom decided to sit and watch it with us, which was extremely awkward.
Mosquitoes can go die,for all I care. They bit me on my arm;now the bite is half my arm. D:< EXTERMINATE THEM.
I was in the car with my mom,dad and sister and I suggested that we turn on the radio. My mom said that she didn't really feel like listening to the radio because it was probably all Micheal Jackson,but she turned it on anyway.. You know what blasts through the speakers? Spoiler Dead and Gone.But,the words DEAD AND GONE. I almost died myself. ;_;
It seems as if I've been trying to sign into MSN for the last 5 minutes,only until I realized I left out '@live.com' ...
Do you ever have songs in your head that you just can't seem to get out? Like,I had the song I'll Try by: Jonatha Brooke and Spaceman by:The Killers. It could be any random song,because they usually are random.
Do you know where your children are?
Chapter 1.Friends 'Sometimes I wonder if this life is worth it. Like,if anything I'm doing is going to actually pay off. Wondering,if I will ever make a name for myself and stand out. To be the best,because that is the most important thing to be right? Maybe,if I actually put my mind to it I could actually be unique and special. To have my own heart and to travel the worlds,meeting new people and being myself. But,I keep wondering if all I'll ever do is sit on this tree and think. As I am now. Sitting,thinking.Nothing happens around me and I don't make anything happen.' *** "Riku...?" The voice seemed distant,but he could understand. He slowed opened his eyes to see a blurry Kairi looking down on him. "Hello,Kairi." "You know you're supposed to be working on the raft,right?!" She sounded impatient and angry. "Kairi,calm down." "I can't be calm when there is so much to do around here!" "Kairi,just listen." "No,you listen!I want all of you to actually do something around here instead of sitting around!" She was yelling now, despite the quite disposition of the island. "Hmm..." "Now,I'm going to go wake up Sora.By the time I go down I expect you to be gathering logs." "Fine,okay." She walked away,stomping her feet as she went. "I shouldn't have never told her about this,she is acting so weird because of this whole going to other world thing.I guess it's not worth getting into a fight over." He gathered the logs and sat down on the tree again.The bark up rubbed against his pants. 'I don't know why everyone is suddenly out to get me. It doesn't even matter when we get done with the raft,why is she rushing me? It's probably so she can leave this place faster,after all,she doesn't like Selphie,Tidus and Wakka. I am probably on that list now too.' "If only she could actually see me for who I am...She is too in love with Sora to notice." He mumbled. He suddenly got up and walked across the bridge.The bridge creaked under his feet. The water moved under the bridge. He could feel it's cold sensation without touching it. "Some best friends they are,don't even care about me." *** "Kairi,are you sure it's Riku?" Sora said flipping his shoes over dumping the sand out of them. The grains of sand slowly fell out,so he shook them. "Positive,he thinks he's some misunderstood soul or something." She sighed. "He doesn't show any emotion?" Sora questioned. "No,he just doesn't care about anything.Oh well, at least I'll always have you." She hugged him goodbye,and went to the dock to go home on her boat. The boat rocked with the waves waiting for her. "I should have never agreed to this." Chapter 2: Mysteries 'As I am deep in thought I often realize more about myself. For example, how I often consider running away from it all because I can't face the world. Although, I try to hide it and make it look like I'm fine. I never thought that my friends would ever make me feel the way I do now. I am upset,tired and stressed.It hurts to know that I actually don't have anyone that wants me around. To know that the only person that could possibly help me is just falling for the girl that hates me.' Riku sat up in bed and looked around the room. "Must be insomnia." He yawned and stretched. He closed he eyes and tried to focus on sleep instead of his friends. 'I don't understand why everyone is turning against me.It just doesn't make any sense.' *** When he opened his eyes it was morning. A chilly breeze filling his room. He struggled to pull up his blankets for warmth. The sky outside was pink and the clouds moving. 'I wonder why I never noticed how beautiful this place is. It's a mystery,how people don't seem to notice the little things in life they take for granted.'
Radiowave is now being referred to as beachwave. NAME CHANGE NOW.
They scare me.... I hate them.... They ate my post and my signature... Poor Grandma.
NO MOAR SCHOOL! Cheer with me :lolface:
Okay,so recently I have noticed how some people just don't believe in having a best friend.They don't believe you should get too close to one person and be clingy. I don't really agree, but I don't disagree. Like,I have only 3 real best friends. That I can count on with anything. One of them I've known since I was 3. And the other two since 1st grade. (One of them is i <3 poptarts) I don't believe in saying everyone is your best friend...Because then you don't take the friendships seriously in a way...But in other ways I agree, like not being too clingy to a person. What do you think? DISCUSS.
post postie post post
[Get off your asses.] Hurrr
I actually don't think the Final Fantasy XII battle system is that bad. And since I am currently playing it, I decided to post this thread. +Everyone is always bashing it. I don't think it's the worst gameplay in the world, it seems as if they were trying to combine Kingdom Hearts and every other Final Fantasy. It was weird at first...Since you have to wait a few seconds until each hit...Which happens in other games but in this one it is more annoying. +The snakes that appear out of nowhere and attack you. Other than that I didn't dislike it that much. Just the change that's all. What about everyone else? Am I the only one that doesn't hate the game entirely?