i've always been a fan of 12012 and Uverworld.
heya, sorry for the late responce (never check my messages) :x
you only need moderators when things get to much for 1 person to handle, or you become to busy to deal with the forum. right now it looks like more than enough for you to handle on your own. word of advice, dont give out moderator positions to all your friends. i hate it when forums turn out to look like Tucan-sam because a admin gave a crapload of people moderator powers. (seen that happen to many times)
that's cause i just lurk these days.
lol advertising.
the fact they put alot of detail into how it looks isn't very relevant. just because the game plays and looks better than your casual DS game doesn't make it harder to work with. hell the main problem with codes with this game is that because the DS lacks alot of RAM not alot of files are in the ram at once. (fun stuff atleast). i dunno if this game uses DMA for the files (more than likely does) but still that would be the major buzz-kill of hacking any DS game for fun stuff like khv does. thats expected, are people here thinking it would be done the same as it would on the kh2? and by hex editing files im assuming your talking about romhacking? (which is a whole nother ball-park). i've been assuming everyone here's been doing ram hacking the whole time?
depends what you want to rebuild, games use alot of custom archieves and files on ps2. especially square enix games. they even make the rebuilding process harder by encryting alot of lba info on files. it uses nothing of the ps2, the vids are just pre-rendered and played through the ds. DS reguires a universal directory system for the rom to be read correctly. we can use this info on all ds roms, thats why DS modding is so popular because tools can be made around this universal info in the rom. while on psx, psp, and ps2, it can all be custom made by the developers. PS2 games are far more complex than a simple ds game. emulation is easier to and has alot better hacking tools and techniques. while back when kh2 hacking started pcsx2 was no where in the position it is now (kh barely ran on it at all) but now adays we have figured out how alot of it worked as the emulation progressed.
a fly you say... seriously PETA, fu*k off
wow, the english version looks pathetic voice acting wise.
gnie PMF demux (google it) it can demux and convert the pmf to avi with at3 audio. to play/convert at3 install the at3 codec (google it)
you can't get there without a cheat device.
i would laugh if the world ended on my birthday lol. it would be just my luck. but seriously, if you even believe in things like this, you cannot predict it.
thats not how the DMA works. every room the boss, party, forms, and player's data moves to different address'. since boss roxas data is never at the same address when you change rooms, it has to be remade for each room.
that would work but its still DMA. Unless someone beats the DMA it will have to be rehacked for every room you enter.
what makes me laugh is gamestop is one of the best shops for games in the gaming industry, but they are by far the most unreliable source for accurate info. both, the site and the employees. (employees over here are stupid as fu*k)
you need a new blue ray drive for your computer, and they cost a shiny penny atm. if you dont own a ps3, or any blue ray player in general then just stick with DVD's for awhile.
other then the fact this thread screams illegal in every means possible, japan people can rip ROMS to ;O. dont talk about piracy here.
quality is sh*t because DS screen is so small. when upscaled it looks pixely. there's not gonna be any really good quality ones unless you rip them from the trailer, and i don't even think those are very high quality.