i never noticed this :/gasp: well fuck yeah ::L:
yeah... no you probably won't be allowed call yourself FUK YEAH though :'D
Almost as good as **** yeah
TheCHOSENone TheChosenOne KIIIIIIIIIIIDS :D Nyuu ! Luka AND OF COURSE i <3 staff
X-Blades is one of the worst Hack and Slash games i ever played to be honest :/ God Of War > Devil May Cry > Heavenly Sword > X-Blades I Really don't like terminator or guitar hero either but whatever.
^The Offspring D: And that was just weird japanese girls + Offspring = no, just no
Jedininja rapes Firekeyblade. Nice.
sup rvr
sup guys
idkk susan
*Xbox Get Eternal Sonata Tales Of Vesperia Infinite Undiscovery Halo 3 Left 4 Dead Fallout 3 Rock Band 2 Maybe Crackdown
o hai dalknmsa
.^. lol
Just did, yay bubbles :'D
i have user customizations disabled so i dunno what you mean
i wrote quote as quiote fml
What is it?
nice quiote in your sig :/
Metro station sucks you don't need to find the cd.
4kids doesn't either? have you ever seen the anime? :/ I read the manga only.