Hey, not bad. I really like the artwork u used for the design. The only thing that I found kinda strange is the little insert about Xion. It's probably just me but I'm not too fond with stuff like this talking specifically about a certain aspect/character(s) in a game rather than the game as a whole. But o well, gd job.
Dammit... <.< lol, wats up guys?
Game looks awesome, like most other Metroid games. I hope this doesn't fail. :(
Yays Flyff. :D I think she usually plays in Mio. Mine is Clockworks. :)
ello guys?
Spoilers are awesome!
Intro could've been better I guess. But screw complaining.
8D Shooting a machine gun while flying has never been so much fun.
I no, lol. Guess that was the wrong impression. :/ O well, wats up?
\ :/
Strange how we'd get info about KH3 before BBS is out. :/
Haven't drawn much in a while so I decided to sketch something out. I'll probably work on it some more later...actually, probably when photoshop stops acting like a crackhead and start working.
Me too. I haven't done anything artsy in a while so this'll b fun.
exactly .
akakakakakakaklakslakslkaslajdlhslankvhlasjlaaksakakakakaakakkakaakakkakalkzmlajda :D
huh...that's how it looks like eh? O well, can't wait to see some cut scenes in about a week or so.
Symphonia 2. The 1st Symphonia was great but I liked the 2nd one better. I'd say Abyss comes after simply cuz these are all the Tales games I've played.
the truth! D:
O boy, a cape. :D Now, lets see that broom. (unless u already got 1 ._.)