"Ah, but the mouth itself is a weapon. Breaking and building walls--- eventually to entirely break a person. Weapons count for naught if you can't use them." Markie smiled dryly.
>x3 i'm just cute and evil. xD i'm puertorican-- hence.... ABUSE is raised in my bones, dearest. xD
Markie frowned lightly. "I trained with cerberus... not the gargoles." Markie payed no mind to any negitive comments. "Of course. Training is nothing compared to war." Markie smirked. Nazi's had nothing on her.
I'm blushing! ^///^ kya! I'm happy people like it... my poetry skills come naturally. :D
your lovely sence of humor, and an odd respect for crime. XD
ooc: :bangbang: rawr! i violated my twix bar!! (candycandycandy!!) @_@ bic: Markie smiled and nodded. "Understandable. Nice to meet you, Aiden. I'm Phobia Marks, but call me Markie. Every does." Markie yawned, and smiled. "I think Ima go get myself a hot chocolate."
-_- hence, you and my best friend must have something in common. :D
wait. :O this lilly is confuzzled. O.o
ooc: xD :glomp: the hug of doom is your punishment!! xD bic: Markie made the drink, and brought it back to her customer. She sat down in the chair next to him, and handed him his drink. "So, I haven't seen you before in my shop. And all of my customers always come back." Markie cheekily smiled.
ooc: xD perv. xD xD dun bug me, is what i meant... or DID i? >:3 bic: Markie nodded. "One Blood-red black coffee, coming up! Yeah-- I hold Karaoke every once in a while. Attracts some customers." Markie smiled, and headed towards the counter, to brew up the stranger's coffee.
feh. :bangbang:
feh. i could care less. shes being overly b*tchy. -_- she should know by now that i'm old enough to at least hang out with friends outside of the...
feh. i brought it onto myself, hell-- i'm just pissed that she won't shut the f*ck up. -_-
i negleted my schoolwork, back-talked my mom, lied to my mom for a while, and i am now reaping my disobidience. xD like i care.
wowie! xD another fma fan erson! :D :D
ooc: oh, come off it! xD i was short on time, and i couldn't think of anything else without the word "bean" in it. xD bic: Markie walked around to a table with only one person at it. "Hello. Anything you'd like to eat or drink?" Markie took at a paper in pen, idly looking back at the other people playing karaoke.
i also like wednesdays! :D :D :D
hewwo. :D wazzup!
>.>-----<.< random glompage! :glomp:
ooc: yay verily! :D by-the-way: Markie's cafe is called "Cafe Dawn" xD bic: Markie heard her crowd go wild, and a few roses were sent her way. Markie bowed and smiled. She got off the stage, and let another person get on. Markie went back to taking peoples orders, and giving them their coffees.