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  1. Johnny Stooge
  2. Johnny Stooge


    hipster ******s.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, May 16, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Johnny Stooge
    And that's what girls get for having opinions.

    Remember ladies, we warned you.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, May 16, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  4. Johnny Stooge
    I don't. I really don't. I don't give two shits what you think about me.
    In fact, I was actually hoping to inspire more neg-rep. I just wanted you to be a little bit more constructive with your comments.

    like that makes it better.
    couples that are on and off like a switch, stay like that for a long time.
    you're better off just moving on.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, May 16, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Johnny Stooge
    I'm actually really impressed with what you did with this quote.
    No ****.

    anyone *****ing about change or power abuse can go **** themselves in the ass with a roll of quaters. KHV needs to be cleaned up. you should be thankful to CtR. this place is a hole, i'll be honest. over half the activity here is less than desirable. insteading of leaving the forum to rot, she's trying to make a change. if you don't like it, then just **** off.

    just had to insert my opinion.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, May 16, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Johnny Stooge
    and how the **** is that okay?
    that'd be her needing a FRIEND and going to him. do any of you understand women at all? besides, he'd be the ******* for getting between them.

    he's ****ed. he did the wrong, went the wrong way about it and now he's ****ed. maybe in 20 years he'll have another shot at this girl, but not now, not even after they break up.

    i just can't believe you guys are condoning the fact that this guy made a move on someone else's girlfriend.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, May 16, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Johnny Stooge
    what the **** was he meant to do?
    some guy sends my girl a card with a poem i sure as **** wouldn't let her keep it.

    his fault for trying to cut someone elses grass.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, May 15, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Johnny Stooge
    EVERYBODY knows that Jesus and that Mary whore got it on.

    She was his groupie, so she was totally into saviour cock and well, it can be very difficult being the son of God. He had to have a lot of built up tension.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, May 15, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  9. Johnny Stooge
    hey CtR ;)
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, May 15, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Johnny Stooge
    Do you mean "pure" like saintly or "pure" like "just hire those guys"?
    Because if it's the former? C'mon.

    You and I both know KHI staff are corrupt as ****.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, May 15, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Johnny Stooge

    you should post pics more often and drown out the horrible that is the majority of this thread.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, May 14, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  12. Johnny Stooge


    you don't like it when people call each other names on internet? tough ****.
    i call people names in real life, why would i change? so what if i'm a mod on another forum. that's got nothing to do with this.

    also, when repping someone, make sure it corresponds with the comment. don't tell me to shut up and +rep me. you're encouraging that behaviour, idiot.

    also, quit hiding behind the fact that it doesn't reveal your name.
    Thread by: Johnny Stooge, May 14, 2009, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Johnny Stooge

    Love that.
    I don't think there's been a picture taken of me sober in about three years.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, May 13, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  14. Johnny Stooge
    I suggest you do. It's a brilliantly put together film.

    It's not a light-hearted movie, or a "feel good movie" but it has a happy ending and it's beautiful.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, May 13, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  15. Johnny Stooge
    **** off.

    Slumdog Millionaire.

    I'd pick a movie like that over one that reflected "real" life any day.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, May 13, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  16. Johnny Stooge
    Thread should have ended after this.

    But this needs to go.

    Rest of the thread makes me cry.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, May 13, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Johnny Stooge
    There are other staff beyond CtR? The **** now?

    But honestly, I don't envy the position the staff of this forum are in. The members here are terrible.
    And as a moderator of that "other Kingdom Hearts forum", I truly and deeply empathize with you guys. I ****ing cry if I had to clean up the messes here.
    But on the flipside of that, I do think it's your own fault. Stupidity doesn't deserve to be rewarded.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, May 13, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Johnny Stooge
    Hey now, no one likes a hater, emo-girl.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, May 13, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  19. Johnny Stooge
    Hey KHV,


    Bet you all were hoping I was some lonely, fat **** and not this awesome, handsome son of a *****.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, May 13, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  20. Johnny Stooge
    errrr no.
    To be honest, I can't properly discuss the Batman or Superman shows because I haven't been able to track down the DVD's, but they without a doubt have story arcs. This isn't a new convention for media.

    I specifically mentioned the first season of Justice League Unlimited because of it's fantastic Cadmus arc. Seeing as you're not a fan of superheroes, even this story might appeal to you.
    The second season, while only 13 episodes long has the Legion of Doom arc which climaxes in the second last episode. And the finale episode, well that finishes an arc that was started all the way back in the Superman animated series.

    Point is, you're just not looking properly. I wouldn't say hard enough because these are well known series.
    The old X-Men and Spider-Man animated series had storylines branching over episodes, and the new Wolverine and the X-Men cartoon has an arc that covers the entire season.

    I will concede that I'm only offering examples of superhero cartoons, but that is my interest and I've only watched them because I buy the DVD's. I don't have the means to watch for any other cartoons. The only other suggestion I can think of is Samurai Jack, I've not been able to watch it but I hear a ton of great things about it.

    The fact is, you acted like the 'story arc' was only a device used in anime. Off the top of my head I provided you with a bunch of series' to counter you.
    But what's worse is you claimed that no normal television program offered it, and you ended up proving yourself wrong.
    Programs like Boston Legal and Eli Stone may not offer a "GREATER" storyline, but each episode offers a new side to the character and develops that characters 'arc'.
    ****, Supernatural's story has been going ever since the first episode with the intention to reach it's climax at the end of it's fifth season.

    But I'm assuming you live in a Western country.
    You said that no Western animated series has lived up to any anime. Which is simply not true. Don't complain because it doesn't appeal to you.

    Then go out and buy a DVD box set.

    Not when this "nostalgia" leaves you with a very bland tatse.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, May 13, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner