I AM SUPER DUPER EXCITED FOR THE NEW ALBUM!!! :D I miss the old stuff, but I absoluty love them! they are my favourite band and always will be! :D
I have been on about 6 XD hahaha
Lol, how many forums have you been on? Oh I better Jet, talk to ya later, I gotta go to school =\
Spoiler O.O?
yeah its pretty cool :) better than some of the other forums I have been on hahaha XD
haha thanks :D
Just use a video converter :) vixy.net www.zamzar.com I use zamzar, but you can also download converters :)
I understand what you mean, but meh its all good hahaha it's good or girls to like as well because... more male characters lol ;D
Title explains all... I know its in America... but when in Australia?
I am a teenager, and I think that teens should wait till were more mature, not just mentaly, but physclly. Well my PDHPE teacher told me that but I agree with her. Also it should be with the one you love not just a random fling =\
or do you have a broad range? Me I have a massive broad range that people think is bizzare, because at my school we have people into hip hop, pop, or rock... how about you guys?
They are my third fav band :D I first heard them in year 7 and just loved them to death! people thought I was weird o.o not good when you are just starting high school for people to already think your weird XD thats why today not many people like me >.>
LOL same! some of my songs can be too embarressing LOL XD
I like both... but I have pancakes more... lol why is there a topic about this XD hahaha
Yeah costumes are so expensive =S I am low on cash seeing as I have to pay for everything myself -___- I quit my job so I am getting pocket money,...
oh nice! and good luck for first time cosplaying! My friend and I wanna go as L and Light, me as Light haha ^.^ it will be my 2nd time or we may...
I miss Travers Town as well, but I have to agree with the others, that it was a good idea that it was taken out because they all went home. but yeah I really miss it =[
Whats the best video editing software? I really like to know, because I am stuck on Windows Movie Maker again =\ I keep using the trials, but I need to know which is the best one? or the most popular...
I love PS3 more than Xbox 360...
I agree!!! my goodness I am dreading his return -___- I heard that Rockstar song he sings, oh my goodness! my ears almost bled! well not really lol but yeah XD My friend LOVES him o.o