Zalia went inside the broken supermarket, going as far away from the crowd as she could, but not past the police line do not cross sign. She examined the wreckage. A smoking forklifter, crashed window's, smashed door, and snapped grocery shelves. They all looked like they were smashed by a flying person...she thought.
Yeah...thats easy, why? What do you want my character to do?
Xemnas glanced at the menu again. "No fries...just, I guess...some pizza, and some fries, with some coke, I'd also like some salad. I haven't ate for seventy two hours, ten minutes and forty two seconds."
ooc: didn't insult him...yet. >:-) Kidding. Ryxan just thought that up, not say.
Xemnas whirled around, in a cheerleading costume. "ROULETTE! ROULETTE! ROULETTE! ROULETTE! ROULETTE! ROULETTE!" He yelled in a deep voice, then floated like a genie over to the waiter. "Yes. You're on jeopardy." He slapped himself, whirled around, and landed in his seat. "I'm back."
Ryxan heard the aguments. Serves you right...he thought. I'm not the only one being identified as garbage. He spotted Demyx fly into the sky. Hey...water cooler. I'll hurt their feelings if they will hurt mine...he thought. Xemnas heard arguments also. This organization is falling apart. All I have to do, is wait for a good time that they're all in a good mood, then strike, ready them a bit, and get them to help me get the retrievers to where they hell.
Xemnas sat in his seat, examining all the empty seats before him. The organization is falling apart...and I cannot think of a way to prop them back together again...I can't destroy them all, we'd be back where we ended up when Sora killed us... Zalia turned to see the broken, disfigured chains which were molten hot. The chain's slowly, and dementedly went back into the ground, leaving a bit of lava here and there. Zalia continued to walk towards the marketplace, examining how things went with the organization trouble that they caused. She looked at a newspaper. SEVEN CLOAKED PEOPLE ATTACKED GROCERY STORE Screamed the headlines. Kexant would know, she thought. He saw everything.
"A person of your rank needs to be strict." Zalia said. "When someone is strict, they finish the job's you assign faster." Zalia said, chains propping her up to a standing position. "It gives them the sense of danger, and urgency..." Zalia walked away, and went to the marketplace.
"Maybe." Zalia quietly said. Listening was her favourite thing to do. It involved not socializing, and just thinking. Thats all she wanted to do, and wait patiently until she'd be free from the memories of fighting. Getting information from other officers was another thing too. She could have an adventure before she blanks out her memory of dieing, and her family dieing. Ryxan walked to his favourite spot, and sat on the balcony. Using his powers, he formed his eyes to see far distances again. All he ever did was that. Use his powers to see far, and see different things. He could stay at that place for days, sometimes, just watching the stars, counting them or seeing other worlds with his vision. Of course, he spotted the retrievers. As long as Axel has the barrier, we are safe...he thought. But what about sieges? We'd need to portal to a grocery place, in disguises, and get food, then portal back when we're not being watched....yeah, it'll work. I want to try to act like an english gentleman...yeah..use my change technique to change how I look like...course that only works as long as I keep my eyes open...its hard...
Reminding of a sister... well, she seems like the type of person who misses a family do I...except I lost all my family in the storm...she thought. "Your sister?" She asked, kneeling down in front of Wolfe, facing her. She glanced toward Castle Oblivion.
Ryxan leaned against a pillar in the waiting room. Yami has made a big mistake, I'll write on her gravestone...or on the finisher...something classy...I prefer to finish her in style...he thought. Turning his head, he examined the fight. Nobodies are supreme to humans...except keybladers...kind of...he thought. But I can finish her. Definately.
Zalia stared at Wolfe. "What ever do you mean..." She said quietly. She turned to see the burning away chain monster. "...Wary?" What does she mean...I turned over orders...realizing just now how I did, ausalted a higher officer and she's asking me to be wary....what does she mean? Zalia thought.
Zalia walked over to Wolfe, but not at the spot indicated. "I sense a threat. I also sense being attacked." Zalia said, depressingly quiet. I may have made a mistake...but I thought that Wolfe, and Braxen could handle that. Plus...the lava was a new thing...
ooc: Fine by me, as long as its not ME dieing. bic: Ryxan portalled away, and jumped back as he got out of the portal in Castle Oblivion. I hate...the organization...except Axel. He thought. He's the only one who listened to me...kind of made me annoyed too, since he said, yo, Roxas is in trouble, when I was screaming, and they all snap to attention....dang. Ryxan raised his arm, closing the portal quickly. Xemnas dissapeared, without portalling. He whisked to Castle Oblivion. I call the shots...I believe that Axel should get punished...everyone listened to him... Zalia bent back to straight posture. "So they ran away." She simply said, depressed.
"Whoa washoo!" Xemnas yelled, and put a meat ball into a bowl, which was spinning round and round. "Whats that game, Zexion? Roulette?" Xemnas said, clapping his hands and hopping up and down.
occ: I really don't know what to do...unlike Road to Darkness, who just wants Xiggy to die, I don't care who does. Zalia or Ryxan. Lets take a vote.
ooc: what about Xemnas attacking Wolfe? Ryxan looked to Axel. "Well we are here, aren't we? We can finish them off. I won't listen to you since you never listen to me!" He yelled, blind with rage. So f you all! Ryxan thought, thinking about how they ignored his screams that Roxas was in trouble. He flipped his weapon around, and charged at Zalia, energy cackling around him. "Da* you torture dudes!" He screamed. "Da* everyone!" This is rage..he thought as he ran at Zalia. Zalia looked to the broken prison chain monster. "So he broke through it..." She murmured. He listened in on Axel's and Roxas's conversation. "Not everyone..." she said, quietly. Of course, it wouldn't make a dent. Chain's wrapped around Axels legs, and climmbed quickly onto Roxas, ripping him out of Axel's fiery grab. The same chain's came and tried to trip Ryxan, but he simply jumped up, and swung down at Zalia. Zalia bent backwards, and avoided the slash.
Xemnas moved his arm out of the way, and whirling around, summoning his aerial blades, he swung at Wolfe, and two more clones dived in, slashing down across her neck. "Scum..." He repeated, dissapearing and appearing behind her, stabbing her. Zalia continued to move, while chain's ripped out of the ground, flipping Larxene head-over-heels. "Play what?" She asked. She seems to specialize in martial arts...she thought. Ryxan ran, seeing that the woman who was flipping Larxene was distracted, and he jumped in the air, twirling around, using his weapon as a type of side-ways helicopter, and the 'helicopter blades' sliced through the chain warriors. He landed, flipped, and was about to slash down to cut the chain's across Roxas, but a chain ripped out of the ground, and flipped Ryxan over. He landed on his knees, and pushed the chain back.
Ryxan portalled out of his seat, and landed in the waiting room of the old arena. I'm against Yami, eh? He thought. I will destroy her. That way, I would get something out of this dump.
Well if I have no match then what's the use of staying here? Dexnail said I'd have a match against Hikari.