Basically, you post a picture, then the next person posts a picture with one thing in common. Such as and then the next person could go then possibly this next from there we can go to See how I played? Orange - Clock = Round Clock - Clapping = Hands Clappping - Spade = clappign guy had a suit on, a spade is a card suit.
Firstly that game doesn't exactly work, since they can just use the ulr from the post before them Second, I thought Darkest left, wtf? Lastly, I think Darkest was trying to start up the game, still not funny even if it is for the game, which like I said, wouldn't quite work. Unless of course you take the image, upload to your own phototbucket, then the others must go find the original url There are many complications :/ such a game would be hard to play. I do know of another one somewhat similar one though, a lot easier and less complications, anyone up to hearing it?
:/ I hate how often it gets so quiet around here...
Oh, okay, I'll go look elsewhere.
That's what makes you so much more awesome than a great many people I've known.
It's hard to find people who can take the truth, harder still to find people who try to better themselves after accepting it.
Yea, I saw that, guess he's leaving afterall. Guess he's like a lot of other people, refusing the truth cause it hurts.
You're leaving KH-Vids all together? Guess it's up to you. Goodbye Darkest
I'll take you comment as you're agreeing as well Kir?
If you feel it's best to leave go ahead. Goodbye.
Um no, I think you deserved it from what I've read.
That's another thing about KH-Vids that went downhill, before negative rep was really rare, and if it got to the point of you wanting to de-rep someone, it was usually that they are doing something wrong to the point of it's better just to report it to a mod. Now it seems more people are just... what I said before. Cancerous Human Leeches, not worth a report, not good enough to not de-rep The truth is hard to take because it hurts. Probably why so many refuse the truth and keep goign by their arrogant ways.
Family posts don't count, Deii was incredibly active in theis Family though. Just because he doesn't always post, doesn't mean he doesn't go off and read threads. I tend to almost never post in thread snow, though I still read a lot. Edit: point proved by post above.
You must have changed in some way....hmm. Can you think of some way Kir changed, Deii?
Yea, B really has grown up and changed quite a bit from when we all first met, change in a good way of course. I guess we all changed, at very least I know I had what now seems like endless patience. :/ That was back when you where forced to go to 'Hell' right? I do miss those days too :/ we still have post explosions sometimes, but it never lasts as long. Still fun though.
You where not here over two years ago, you have no ****ing idea how great this place used to be. The old days was like, every single area of the forum had at least 5 new threads in the less popular areas. Good thread too, not these useless "been there done that, a thread like this was made a year ago" Just in this thread too, the first two where so active, now there is a lot of time where there is just nothing goign on.
I mean of this site in general, and just over time in general, there really isn't any specific point at which is just collapsed on itself a little. It just...isn't the same as it used to be. .....Darkest. You joined last January, you do not know the 'good old days'
Yea, she may have once but she got it back. I don't think it was even her who changed it then took it back. Deii: This entire community kinda slowed down and died, that and a ton of cancerous human leeches came and now it's not such a kindly place anymore.
Oh wow, I don't even connect that name to you, I know you had it but it just doesn't bring back to many memories, all old ones just register with you being referred to as Kiryu. Right, you both had really long names, I sorta though you had a number and Kyle had dark in the name. Eh, I'm bad at names in the first place, but when they change it's even worse. B, Higher being never changed hers, I think there maybe one or two more as well.