It did, we now have a reasonably good fight ^^ but once again, youtube is screwing us over. I implore you guys to give us a little more time!
Not on PS2.
*Facepalm* Did you even read any of the previous conversation? Be more specific next time. Character codes will never work on PS2. animation mods will.
by "this", what do you mean?
Oh, the character codes? I know how to hack/port those, but it wouldn't be very helpful, since they can't be used on a PS2, i don't think. i've never tried but im pretty sure they won't. This thread/video is only demonstrating the animation mod, and how i can get a character to do any attack in his MSET with a more normal control set.
yes. ////////////
O.o i never forgot how to make them. i was just too lazy to get 'em ported.
AI itself, i think, is stored in one of the the character's files, seeing as changing it's label (e.g. "P_EX100") Changes to the AI of that character. I've seen some character's thoughts in legible english, which is quite amusing. However, i'm not quite sure how this Plays into Controlling what animations to use, and when. all i know is that if the character is given different animations, it won't know how to use them. Which is odd because if you attack Bosses wi- Well, i'm thinking too deeply here. I'll stop at nothing to bring you battle 3 as soon as i can then. NeoCloudstrife out.
The problem there is Attatching a weapon. There is no forseeable way to do it. Not to mention his AI. It dissapears if you even touch his model or moveset. I could maybe add Some animation mods in to make him slightly harder though. At the end of the day, it was the public's decision and not ours to have sora in the tournament. i knew he would be a problem, but now we have to do what we can. Right, About the delays. basically, we've all recorded battle 3 several times. We havent as yet Recorded one that has the right quality, the right length, and is epic enough. And we're all perfectionists. very lazy perfectionists. We're all busy with other things too, i'm sure. So the question i ask you all is, are you willing to wait for quality? i can have A video up within the next few days if you're desperate enough, and i might get lucky and it might turn out really epic. Very sorry for all inconvenience here. Especially since it's mainly my fault we haven't proceeded yet. ...I think that about covers everything... ...any questions?
:O just in time! Back, Evil number, into the depths you go! *attacks it using the move displayed here, in the exact same way* [/shamelessly advertising my own videos in random threads]
if we arent being lazy, and we get into gear, Videos CAN be done in about 2 or 3 days. 1 at a stretch. but realistically we're looking at a week or 2 if everyone does their job, and we get organised (im bad at orgainisation, btw :p)
Keeping with the Dragonball Theme in this thread: SPECIAL BEAM CANNONNNNNNNN lol, Dragonball Kai needs to be dubbed or at least subbed for me to be interested in it. i don't like it when i dont understand it :(
sorry battle 3 IS taking so long. it was a better battle than i thought it would be, that's for sure. i dont actually have the proper footage yet, so i can't do anything without it. sorry for the delays and ill have an update for you in the next few days, whether its the actual video or news of more delays :( Anyway, no guessing what hacks we're using. just enjoy the tournament for what it is. We won't be releasing anything, that's for sure. so just chill.
umm well From what i can tell there are certain points in bosses HP that when the HP goes lower than that set level, the boss goes to his next "Form" (I.e Spamming desperation moves & Quicker speed). But in the case of Lexaeus, i think his Power level Denotes How strong he is. maybe we could just set it to 99999? or perhaps there are also points at which he gets stronger in the power level. Maybe we could change one of those? Just putting my knowledge out there...
*random appearance*
sorry it's taken forever guys. we had a problem, then i HAD the video, but none of you will have wanted to see it, so now we have to REDO it all. in the next week or so, expect a BIG update, as a little present for making you wait so long :D
Because Mr.what's-his-name devoloper for FF guy said so in an interview. Plus, There's a lot of clues in FFX-2. for instance the boy "Shinra", who plans to extract Energy from The farplane (which is life energy, the same thing as lifestream) EDIT: Dammit, pwned by CtR. I dont know why i bother sometimes :p EDIT2:
Common sense, access to the latest model viewer for KH2, and sufficient knowledge of Macromedia/Adobe Fireworks.
We're Close now, very close...... we'll have it soon, yes.... All it needs now is one more helping from the keyblade bearer...*evil cackle* *fades into darkness*
O_O ...indeed. ......wut erkz said. I'm out. :D