This thread is going nowhere slowly.
I just spit-taked.
I'll give him sex. Lots. Of sex.
It's pretty funny Jerome and I spread Owl City this far. But anyway, it'll pretty good except for the reflection of the text. Take the reflection and play around with the Lens Correction filter. That's really the only flaw.
Celtic Woman is the ****. I love their dueling Violins.
Lol'd at the video description. "After the second apocolypse..." Cause 1 wasn't enough.
Well I browse /a/, /b/, /v/, /tv/, and /x/. This is scary true.
I don't think you realize quite how hot is Mom is.
Na, fuck Shadowjak because he was wrong about the flying. But my butt does hurt.
Found these online, thought I'd post. All from gameinformer. Oh btw, Fuck Shadowjak.
I won't even let you post them. They're obviously inferior to mine.
That joke's really funny when it's told by Russel Brand.
He's a neckbeard. :0
She looks pretty good without her conservatism.
Again, Zack graces us with his amazing unconfirmed and unsourced knowledge of videogames that were just announced.
Well obviously the finger could be seen as a form of sacrifice to the assassin's, the finger could be removed for any number of reasons. That still doesn't get rid of the fact that Ezio has all his fingers.
The whole point of the missing right finger in the original Assassin's creed was actually a rather cryptic but important part of the story. It's how you were supposed to tell assassin's apart from regular people, (even though only Altair and the chick int eh laboratory were missing their fingers.) Besides that, the fingers were removed to allow a space for the hidden blade to be released. Fashion back then was absolutely ridiculous. As far as trying to make Ezio's clothes fit his time period, I find it strange Altair was the only person in AC1 to be dressed the way he was. Also, Zack, if you did some research, Da Vinci was arrested as a youth for acts of Sodomy, and was long suspected to have had a sexual relationship with his young pupil. He was gay.