So that means we can't have that fondue party with the neighbors, love?
But I'm going to contiune to look.
No, I'm sorry. But I am looking for a new wingman, you interested?
Actually no it is Ronda in the background. Thought that restraining order would make her leave. But no she still wants the Hyde sandwhich.
Someone is being a kill joy.
Well, I was making a joke and he called me....dude...:/
Where wasn't a need to put a coma after psa. You should have put it before video.
Cosmic???? Really, what are you the silver surfer?
Why continue to mess with the man? Or is darkest blade a man.....hmmmmm...interesting.
Really this gender thing is still and issue?
1.Not really, unless it is a great mind game over the internet. 2.A concubine is actually a whore, no matter how you slice it.
I have that power.
I guess this is what it's like to get a bunch of people into a room instead of monkeys. Nope, no shakespear here.
Make that two.
Just remember this.....a life without me in it would be even more unbearable.
Really a lot of posts.
So many posts.
Thats only cause you call Wilson.
You always got my back snuggle bunny. Now when I hide in your closet don't mind the mounds of bodies and metal insturments in there.
Touche, I like your style. I can't make any promises.