yeah, probably. it would mean you could kill more than just fighting them...
um hello!! haha, well....i think that Leon is...hes rly cute and can fight. my friend said cloud was weak in thsi game so...
nobodies cuz 4 one thing, the Organization is them, and theres extremly hot guys in there :D
i think run around and explore everything everywhere. idk, i wanted to get to no the place...haha
idk, i think that id want an electric guitar as a weapon, even tho its used. i love guitars, and id make dancing my name wud be kairia
organaniztion 13, they have hot guys :D
i rly liked the fire reminded me of Axel :)
i think so far the part with the underworld was exteemly hard...:/
kairi and namine are the same person like roxas and sora, so, it rly wouldnt matter...theyd be the same person
my mom got it 4 me 4 xmas and my looked crazy @ first...but, then i got into it, and now im here :D
kairi, or namine r my 2 favs :D
i wouldve liked 2 see Tifa or Zack...theyre amazing....:D
id steal axel or rikus hair, soras fire=keyblade, and kairis clothes, idk why...:D
i would play as Aerith and have Zack as my partner :D
uhh....i dont think so....axel shouldnt have anyway. he was fine be4 and after :D
2 be honest, i think everyone in the Organzation has an X in their name....but idk. :/ lol, i never rly checked the ganmes. yd they have 2 change thier names anyway
riku or axel...i think that axels hair is cool, so spikey. and rikus hair just is adorable...i love how it hangs in his eyes :D
my fav has 2 be Riku...hes amaizng. dont ask me y, but i just think hes hot. idk, he is, and hes a good person bad things happened to. david thinks that ansem is...but, idk about that. lol! :D
i think that its the dodge roll....or maybe the umm....swerve thing in midair...idk...theyre all pretty good :D
oh, i understnad...he said he was in love with someone else..not me...