Has tacos in their pants.
Is my lil' slavey boy.
Still is eating dead animals off the road.
Hmm that explains alot... lol. Is that decapitated body in my room
Was the cool whip
Sounds good to me. Was that eaten hot dog w/ cool whip
Was the raped kid made from a weinerwolf and a random person.
Open a portal and leave... Dur... I helped my mentally depressed demon friend recreate the Blaire Witch Project. Watchiing it made people's brains implode. We force you to watch it. What do you do?
Is a weinerwolf
Is one of those mentioned babies.
Is telling themself the truth XD
me too. I'm uber busy.
Already told you..
You know it. Is telling a lie
Hmm... true.
I seriously have a necklace like that. Maybe that's why everyone thinks I'm emo.... Is my English project that's due tomorrow.
If I did that, I would be called 'Irresponsible'
Hope that one of my demon friends aren't watching me blow the hell outta that place. They would try it too. That was purty good. I have soul-stealing friend. I got him to steal your soul. You are now a lifeless corpse. Now what do you do?
Hmm.. I was thinking of this razor blade necklace I got, but that works too. Likes the rip their veins out.
fer real. But, what can I say? It was half way my choice