Remembering the time DA lied to get me on staff because he thoguht I'd do a hella good job.... the DumbAss RIP
Where DA thought it'd be funny as hell to make puns whenever someone was talking about deviant art and say that they shouldn't draw on him? He thought he was so clever... RIP
That DA got drunk in the IRC and we cleverly figured out DA could stand for DrunkAss if we so wanted? Good times... RIP 2005-2009
Did this fuxed up penguin with a sign and hairy legs make any sense to you til DrunkAss showed up? R.I.P
This next best alternative to the common n00b as an admin will be missed... Especially when he is drunk. But you can still see his drunkeness at monstervine!
Who will replace the bestest admin evarz? I think Noodleboy is the perfect canidate!
Threads here used get replies constantly. Now you reply to one, make sandwich, play a game of Gears, go eject the sandwich from bowels, take a nap, look up the latest youtube crap and then maybe you'll get a reply. What happened? Your balls fall off? You all make me sick. *slams door*
Do you consider yourselves hardcore gamers? Do you love games that aren't the generic FPS? Do you want to play a game with originality and humor? Such that it outrank NMH? Maybe even alittle gore to go along with it? Then I command all thee to take leave to thy local gamestop and buy Madworld. I haven't had this much fun with a video game since probably Psychonauts. Yours is not to ask why, yours is to fall in love with Madworld. Sincerely yours, shadowjak.
Official Drinking Day Parties pwn. Madworld is the best game this gen with ease. Halo 3 MLG is srs business. CoD4 is still far superior to CoDWAW. Dane Cook still isn't funny unless you are a 12 year old girl. That is all.
Russell Brand is the greatest comedian evar. Dane Cook sux at life. CoD4 has rewon my heart. That is all.
I tried logging in as shadowjak today and caught a bit of a snag... Also, Juuuuuuube: ADVENTUUUUURE!
Right around this time of day would be a perfect time to troll... Whether it be you or myself, they'd be able to cause some serious damage since I'm always the only staff on for hours. *cough*
Is it wrong to block somebody because they said they liked Toby Keith and Fifty Cent along with his new game? *cough*Jerome*cough* I think it is perfectly reasonable.
First off I must say this is the most disappointing ending(s) ever. So those of us that played the game know that Atlas was really lying to us and manipulating us the whole time to kill Andrew Ryan for him so he can gain control of Rapture. I understand that much. However, what I do not understand is what was the deal with Atlas's family? He claims it was an act. If so, why did the very omnipotent Andrew Ryan go along with it? Obviously he would know if he took prisoners or not, why would he blow up the empty sub to help Atlas manipulate the main character? Did he really capture people who pretended to be Atlas's family? Did he buy into the act of Atlas? Explain please? His Avy looks ghey, he has little gamerscore and little games, and constantly plays Halo 3.... AND HE FAILS AT IT! He plays it everyday and faaaails. But the question is, how low is everybodies carecup right now? I'd say mine is pretty empty. *forced to post this*
This is memorable moment: Jerome raped the spamzone... with chainmail of hard gays EDIT: If you don't get it, which is fairly hard not to, read the last poster on each.
I must show these off: N-n-n-n-n-new staff member! you all know him now welcome him: The Ultimate Bet of ultimate Destiny: What led up to the ultimate bet: You know the drill! Comment to get the chance to win free MS points and XBL!
SantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalie Just keeping up with the Chirstmas trend. This is why I love Zero Punctutation, every said is so true. Believe me once I got passed the parts in the demo I retracted my earlier statements of it being the best 3D Sonic. probably people here who care less, but bah.