brad looked up at the celing of his room he currently hated his life forced to move with his family and leave all his friends he was bored
takeshi walked back to his room when he saw what was happening "not my problem" he muttered as he went into his room collapsing on the bed
takeshi finished badaging his hands and went to get something to eat
ooc hmmm your right kay do over bic takeshi walked back to his room blood still dripping he looked around and realized he didnt have any diseneffectant "great" he sighed he walked in the hallway to the supplies closet and grabbed some pausing by miyukis door he walked into his room leaving the door open and started dressing his wounds
ooc eh cant complain d-'s in english and world civ so im in?
OOC: dude he practically tore his hands up then sat there for about 10 min come on and im not trying to ruin anything
Username: Neojecht Name: Brad white Age: 17 Grade: 11 Gender: male Personality:distant, wants to have friends but doesnt like being told no , somewhat cold Bio: he moved from utah (yes he is LDS or as you call us morman) and has yet to make any friends and is lonely Appearance: angels/Loveable guys/acad799f.jpg Classes: Art, gym, english, multimedia(computers), math Other info: he is a 3 degree black belt
takeshi stumbled into the dorm hallwall dizzy from the loss of blood he reached his door to find lucario standing there "get h-help" he said before he collapsed it nodded and ran to the room marked 8 and started pownding on it
takeshi turned walking away he put the book down and began punching a tree as his memories overwelmed him memories of his best friend how she had laughed, smiled, ...........her funeral he hardly noticed the blood coming from his knucles as he dropped to his knees crying
takeshi walked over hand extended "thats mine can i have it back" he paused "please"
takeshi sighed as he looked at his sketch which had ended as that of him and the from his photo not looking at each other but holding hands he stood up closing it he turned and tripped on a tree root the sketch book went flying landing by miyuki open to his sketch "crap" he muttered
takeshi stuck out his tripping billy up he smiled slightly as he let out his frustration he then turned back to his sketch which to his annoyance had miyuki in it again
takeshi growled slightly when he her sing who was this girl a demon from his own personal hell how was it she kept on bring up all those painful memories plus her voice was beautiful "i hate my life" he muttered
takeshi heard her say that and temporarly got lost in his memories when he glanced at his picture realising he had started to draw miyuki into it he ripped it out and through somewhere starting again
takeshi picked up a sketch book and pencil and walked outside he sat down by a tree and began drawing the area
takeshi checked his ball it had a 7 on it he turned and walked to his room throwing his pokebelt down he looked around his eyes landing on the longsword by the wall which was a family eirloom "tch" he said he reached into his back pocket pulling out a picture of a girl a single tear ran down his face
takeshi walked into the building annoyed "hmmm where the heck is my room?" he muttered
ooc sorry edited
he looked at him "Look i just wanna be ALONE for a little okay?" he said his eyes dark he ran past bumbing into miyuki as he ran past
he shrugged again he walked away glancing around he sent his pokemon into their balls he then closed eyes calming himself