Get naked and run throught a mall.... but thanks though that was helpful
My ninjacat is immune to 42 types of poison including that stuff that smells like bad nuts...
what plant? lol
I just Got the Album "The Poison." It changed my life. My favorite song was Tears Dont Fall. Amazing. Especially the solo, (i personally think its their best solo of all.) but i mean wow. great songs. especially the poison and hit the floor. and
Ugh how many times are you gonna change your name?!
Random Ninja Cat Post. :ninjacat:
Hmm. It was a thinker for me, I didn't quite understand it the first time, but after i read it over again it made sense. That was a really cool Poem. Very nice.
Wow. Very nice. I relaly dont have any critisism besides add color if you want. I'd really like to see the end result!
Woh. seriously. Woh 'nuff said.
I have been having many dreams recently, basically being the past 2 weeks. I can remember all of them vividly. I'll only name a few, such as: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. I could turn invisible and at a football game I was going around scaring people. But I could only go invisible when my eyes were shut. And then I got into a taxi cab with a black guy with a huge afro. We told him that I had this power then he told me that he didn't believe me. So I did it, and he was like "Am I dreaming?" And I was literally able to think hard in my dream, like I thought was I dreaming to myself? And it was really weird because this dream went on for a pretty long time. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. I got kidnapped by my brother, and I thought to myself again "Am I dreaming." but I dismissed the thought. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My point of this thread is why are all my dreams so vivid and i can compeletly remember them, and had full thought process in all my dreams. But it's so weird because each night I tell myself that I won't have such a vivid dream, but each night I do. Now I know that this might sounds fun, ya know being able to think in your dreams but its really not. All my dreams are annoying, and then waking up to find out that you were dreaming when you told yourself that you weren't, really makes you think you can't trust yourself. It's almost like you have a totally different personality, ya know like Skitzophrenzia (i know its spelled wrong.) Does anyone have thoughts on the matter? like why its happening? and how i can stop it? its destroying me.
I heard that in Xmen 3 :O
If it was over legal rights i couldn't care. I mean, i never really like the deep jungle level. It was probably my least favorite of all the levels.
AHAHAHAHA that was funny!
wow. i actually really liked that story. darn me tho cuz i wouldn't have let her choose for herself. i said hot at night.
hmm. those freakin monkeys in KH1 in Tarzan level pissed me off. The mages that appear in Hollow Bastion, and the Large Bodies becuz you can't attack from the front. And that gay bounce they do.
Welcome and have fun here on KHV. Be sure to read the rules! :P
It is truly and amazing game. Teh graphics are very good, and gameplay also. its supa fun. Also buy F.E.A.R. 2 while your at it. hehe
Whenever i was younger i would always play Tekken with my older brother. i think it was the first game i played...
Umm... im wearing a black My Chemical Romance shirt and blue jeans, and white socks. But im drinking Green Tea... does that count?
If you possibly try being her. she may be annoyed. even tho it didn't work in spongebob squarepants maybe it'll work in real life? :D