OOC: YAY INTERNET FIXED!! Recap me and I'll edit in a post.
OOC: Yo won't be able to start till tommorrow or Monday Internet probs....T_T
BARA WOULD ALSO LIKE TO PARTAKE IN ROLEPLAYING MERRIMENT!!!! Username: Barakon-King Name: Mark Wheeler Age: 17 Grade: Senior Gender: Male Personality: Carefree and a lover of dark humor Bio: Mark was enrolled in school by his mother who was tired of seeing him sit around the house only caring about girls and playing in his band. Mark also works heavy duty jobs such as truck driving delivering merchandise and shady jobs such as selling "product" at late hours. Appearance: (I thinks this is the same pic from last time) Classes: Algebra 1, Art, Public Speaking, and Guitar (I wanna mess with Arch XDD) Other info: Mark drives a yellow 2007 Mitsubishi Eclipse.
Name: Jason Harley Age: 19 Gender: Male Bio: Jason is a known heavy metal guitarist in Bedford. During a show at a local club his he is pushed too far. His sister who was in the audience disappeared and was nowhere to be found after the show. When Jason got home he found nothing but his parent's dead bodies. He gathered all the weapons he could find and set out to find his sister. Personality: He's a very mellow person who will often make a joke in the worse situations. Appearance: Spoiler (Synester Gates FTW) Weapon: Metal Baseball bat, .45 Magnum, two steak knives Other: << Snow Bunny (lol i didnt put what you told me to REBELLION)
OOC: Oh lol I didn't notice the dates XDD
Played by: Barakon-King Name: Jason Harley Age: 19 Appearance: Other appearance: (demon form) Gender: Male Race: Demon Hybrid Weapons: Twin katanas that can be connected at the hilts to make one double bladed sword and Dual Pistols with Flame Charged Bullets Powers/Abilities: Slow Motion- A mode where time slows for him and he can make quicker moves then his enemy. Time moves regularly for his opponent but they think he is extremely fast. (2x Fire Control) History: Jason was born into heavy training as a child as he was supposed to help his father lead a rebellion against Angels. Jason refused and told his father he wished to remain neutral. His father called this unacceptable and challenged Jason to a fight to the death. Jason had no choice and fought his father but the fight was ended by an angel intefering and sending the two to different parts of the world. Alliance: Neutral Other: Carries an iPod on his hip at all times and has enchanted it to be indestructible. Preview post: Jason pushed a button on his iPod and stepped on the dead demon's skull. The skull broke under the weight and crumbled into dust. He had just killed this demon among three others and was recollecting after the fight. His iPod switched on to Bat Country by Avenged Sevenfold. It was heavy metal, his favorite type of music. He stood still for a moment but was called out of his peace by a demon springing back up from it's seemingly death. Jason spun around freeing a gun from one of the holsters on his side. The demon rushed forward to claw at his head but Jason used his slow-mo powers to sidestep it and give it a shot to the head ending its life for sure. "Talk about headbang." Jason said befor curb stomping the demon's head and walking off. Long post for epic preview.
Epiphany Username: Barakon-King Character Name: Leo Brodam Gender: Male Age: 26 Appearence: Bio: Leo worked as a mercenary throughout the working age of his life. Whe the virus got into full bloom he found that the people ordering hits and paying him were either turning or hiding so he wasn't getting any money. So he decided to take down the company and change everyone back so he can get his hard-earned cash. Personality: He is a very irritable and only works in a group when he has to. Powers: A power he calls Influence. Where he is put in a zone where everything seems to slow down and he can perform extremely brutal moves. (Such as ripping off an arm and beating his enemy with it.) Weapon:Combat Shotgun, a .45 Magnum handgun and a Special Forces issue machete Other: N/A
Bio: From the age of 18 Rakion had been enlisted in his father's assassination business. He now travels the land finding those on his list and assassinates themAlong with this duty however his father gave him a power of fire saying "This will scorch all those who oppose you." and also gave him a sword passed down through generations containing a powerful demon. When away from battle the demon walks beside him but when it is time to fight it transforms back into a sword. The sword's name is "Tortured Soul" Name: Rakion Lismus Age: 25 Gender: Male Race: Half- Demon due to his mother being human. Weapon: Tortured Soul a broadsword that contains a demon's soul inside. Personality: Very cold-hearted and unforgiving his only real friend is the demon in his sword. Appearance: (picture of his sword when in its alive form) Abilities: Control over fire and can coat his weapon in fire. power source: His father a demon warlord. played by: Barakon-King Bio: He is a demon was sealed in a sword by a priest to stop his massacres. He had been passed down through the Lismus generation each one either becoming rich and powerful masters of war or dying from misuse of the blade. Name: Amnatu Ramor Age: 434(trapped at 27) Race: Full Demon Weapon: He has non for he is one. Personality: He is a very nonchalant and non serious person he's either always cracking jokes even on dark subjects such as death or helping Rakion kill someone. Appearance: Abilities: When in alive form he can manipulate lightning. Power Source: Demon played by: Barakon-King
Arch you know I'm king. But anyway you're in. Just need like one more person.
Millenniums ago when the world had first started to blossom. And had just got its population into billions angels and demons made an agreement. It was named The Grand Creed. The agreement detailed that angels and demons would each have their own side and would see which side humans would go to. The only rule was that the two factions were not to interfere personally. Now in the year 2032 A.D. The head of a major worldwide corporation was on his deathbed and flat lined. During his initiation into either Hell or Heaven a demon interfered and brought him to Hell against the will. Since the creed had been broken the angels waged war against the demons. With Earth being the middle ground each of the factions turned all humans into either a half-demon or a half-angel and used them to fight the war. The two's battle is filled with fury and is still continuing on. Another spark was added to the fire however when another faction was born by scientists of each side trying to create the ultimate warrior. The result was DNA of half-demons and half-angels fusing together and making another fighting force that named themselves Busters. The Busters are broken into two sides however: Angel-Busters and Demon-Busters. Angel-Busters hunt angel while Demon-Busters hunt demons. But though the Busters hunt either angels or demons they still do not work for either they want the world for their own. Now that you know what the situation is. What role do you play in this War of Wars. Rules: No G-Modding. No Speedplaying. Pudding is a delicious snack. No trading sides. You're either with the demons,angels,or busters. Have fun. Type "Barakon is King" at the end of your first post so I know you read the rules. If you choose Angel Faction you're a half-angel if you choose Demon Faction you're half-demon. If you choose Buster you're a mixture of both. Character Skeleton: Username: Name: Age: Gender: Faction: (if you choose Buster type whether you're an Angel-Buster or Demon-Buster) Abilities: (only one power) Weapon: Bio: Appearance: Current Characters: Username: Barakon-King Name: Damion Rizer Age: 24 Gender: Male Faction: Demon Abilities: Pyrokinesis Weapon: Two broad swords both charged by fire. Bio: At the beginning of the war Damion was called to be a leader of the demon army. He accepted and became a half-demon. Appearance: Username: Barakon-King Name: Jason Nervan Age: 23 Gender: Male Faction: Demon Buster Abilities: Lightning Weapon: Two katanas with orbs inside containing lightning energy. Bio: In the middle of the war Jason finally found somewhere safe and was glad he wasn't changed by the war. But demons had found him and begun to test on him changing him into a buster. With his new power he vowed to destroy all demons he came in contact with. Appearance: Username: Barakon-King Name: Bryan Everhurt Age: 32 Gender: Male Faction: Angel Buster Abilities: Teleportation Weapon: Spear with spikes and skulls on it. Bio: (basically the same as Jason's except he chose to defeat angels) Appearance: Username: Starkiller Name: Grey Age: Looks 19 Gender: Male Faction: Angel Abilties: Fire Weapon: He can make his own weapons out of fire. Bio: He doesn't have much of a past. Grey wasn't born on Earth and was sent down recently to try to clean up the "mess" when he agreed to becoming a half-angel. He sometimes forgets what being "discrete" is and can make a large mess of things within seconds. Appearance:
Blake jumped off the roof of the building coming a little late from the elevator and slid down the side of the wall into the alleyway. "Looks like you started the party without me." He said with a slight smirk not knowing just what his enemy was capable of. He jumped off the wall he was sliding down and fired both full clips from his guns. Leaving the guns smoking. His mouth hung open in disbelief as every single bullet simply bounced and ricocheted inches away from him.
Blake made a dive to cover on the second floor of the building. He positioned his pistol in mid-roll and made a shot at point-blank range for a headshot to one enemy. He landed on his right arm and pushed forward going into a baseball slide kicking over a table and making it a place for cover. He pulled out the radio he was given to communicate with the group he was with. "Hey the second and upper floors are crawling with tangos. You guys can join the party whenever you want but I'm about to blow the second floor to kingdom come. Blake did a somersault to the center of the floor shooting two men running down the stairs from upper floors in the abdomen and chest. He ran to the the stairs jumping onto the rail and springboarding off the other into a full flip. Time seemed to slow to him in one of those moments he calls his 'zone'. He fired three bullets, two hit two men protecting the elevator in the shoulder and one hit the button for the elevator to open. He used a short contained burst of fire to blast the two injured out of the window and with skill landed from the air into the elevator as it was closing. He pulled his shotgun of the shoulder on his back and pumped it as the elevator creaked to life. "Heh, I like this song." He said letting the elevator music play as it brought him up.
Razor walked in Ben's hospital room with a plate of food...well half a plate of food. He looked at the other people and instead didn't want to disturb the girl's grievin and continued on. "Yeah I got hungry. Anywhere where's the sickie, I'm supposed to give this to him." He set down the tray on the bed and looked at different machines. "Well he's still unconscious but I'd say he's okay for someone who got in a major crash like him." He shrugged and put down the clipboard he had under his arm and took the pudding off the tray and began to eat it. "What can I say, hospital food is free and delicious."
Blake bursted through the door from the stairs coming onto the roof. "So....many...steps." He took a breath and ran to the helicopterwith the others. OOC: Quick short post.
OOC: 0_0 okay i have no idea whats going on. recap plz?
Can I have Cloud and Cid please? ^^
OOC: You're in right now we're on the battlefield. Blake charged into a group of demons swinging his scythe scattering them and letting body parts fly throughout the field. The blade of his scythe punctured through a demon's head which he smashed into the ground and threw at a Neanderthal demon. (means really big and strong but really dumb demon) Rajon went forward and leaped onto the Neanderthal's back and drove his axe into its back and slashed downward ripping its back open. He called forth fire and blasted inside of the beast basically destroying its organs. In a fit of pain and rage the Neanderthal swung its fists round killing some of its own men and topple over. OOC: ^^ you can be as bloody as you want
Blake got in his car and followed to school pulling up to the driveway and parking his car. He thought to himself. In front of the school there's a handrail in front of a table. If I go on the roof the vibration from the first period bell ought to launch me onto a grind on the handrail then onto the table. I need some one to videotape it though. Blake reached in the trunk of his car and gave his video camera to a random person telling them what he was going to do. He climbed onto the roof with his skateboard and got peoples attention. "Hello ladies and gentlemen! You're prankster and stuntman has a little treat for you!!" He backed up and put his right foot on the skateboard and his left foot on the roof waiting for the bell.
"Looks like new arm candy. Maybe you can show her off at school." Blake said sitting on the hood of his car. "Unless I mean you wanna wait a while after all we are moving like super fast now?"
Jake stood in the elevator on the way to the briefing room buttoning up his tux after a little 'elevator stopping fun' with Cindy on the way. "Man, I hope I don't have to group with some kids. These rugrats are getting in way easier now." He picked up a few of his lighters and shoved them in his pockets. Cindy sighed and helped put the tie on Jake. "Just calm down hon, remember you were one of the so called 'rugrats' too. And remember my father's coming to visit today. So be on your best behavior." Jake groaned and said in a depressed manner. "But your father hates me. I swear last Christmas he tried to chop my hand off when I ate the last piece of the ham." Cindy stood up straight and hugged Jake and started to speak. "Well,you did crash his favorite boat into a boulder, in the middle of the ocean. Jake put his finger up and spoke to defend himself. "Hey! I'll have you know I was eating toast while I was at the helm and seagulls attacked me." Cindy sighed and looked at the elevator doors. "Sure they did hon. Sure they did." The elevator doors slid open on the floor where the briefing room was. "Now I'm going to the planning room so you be good okay?" Jake nodded and put on his sunglasses and walked to the briefing room. "Please no damn kids...please no damn kids..." He muttered to himself as he walked forward. He pulled a cigar and a lighter from his suit pocket and lit it and began to puff on it. A man in front of the door put his hand up and said to Jake. "Sir there's no smoking here." Jake simply took the cigar out of his mouth and put it inside the mans shirt pocket while it was still lit. He forced open the door to the briefing room and eyeballed the people inside. He sighed to himself and thought. And of course they group me with rugrats.. "Hey I'm Jake Arlon and I'm the one who's better than all of you." He said bluntly and took a seat at the table. His somewhat epic entrance was ruined by the same man he gave his cigar coming into the room and calling out. "Hey! Whoever just decided to have a quickie in the elevator. You forgot your pants!" "Man I feel sorry for that guy." Jake said before he looked down and his cheeks turned red. "I'll take those." He said getting up and grabbing the pants putting them on at breakneck speed. OOC: Long and LOL filled post for epicness. Only the best for you Arch bro. :registro5B15D: