In the end it'll all play out well. must be absolute hell to be bombarded with all the auditions on the fandub. Not to mention handling school on the side. I feel for you...
To tell the truth, i'm a little afraid to do Xion. 1) because she is the main character 2)I don't want to screw it up, and 3)exact same reason:...
Good. A little tired though. Isn't everyone these days....But yeah, life is good. You?
Ha. Me? Scared? Nope, lol. But it was interesting to look at for a first time.
Who knows? But it is true that the guys have more available spots than we really isn't fair at all. Ugh.
about how many other girls are trying out for the same exact roles
my thoughts exactly! That was seriously what I was about to say, but then I didn't want to come off too bold. thanks for saying it though :) It is...
Me? I've auditioned, or rather tried to, for Namine or Xion. You?
hey. When I got on your page,the first thing I see is the picture Ha, nice. I know, how original to point that out.
I love kingdom hearts ;)
Because there isn't enough space on my "About Me" section, I also joined this site for the sake of doing an audition for kingdom hearts 358/2 days.
I'm new, end of story. Not going to elaborate any further.