Go play an Ace Attorney game. problem solved.
HOLY F*CKING SH*TCAKES I HAD NO IDEA THAT WAS AN ANIME. Seriously. I've been playing Orphen - Scion Of Sorcery all this time on the Ps2, and I've been completely oblivous to it being an actual anime series. I'm so ashamed of myself now.
Oh trust me. When you learn Boost for pandemona, you'll be wondering why you ever hated the long GF attack sequences.
Not necessarily. In most gallery threads, updates/new additions are added to the first post, under a heading, such as "New works" or such. The user would most likely bump the thread with something new, and then add it to the first post. Either way, yeah. I agree with you on some level.
Peh, I used to have this habit where I would bite my right fourth finger at points where I was nervous(It's because there's a part where the skin is inflamed). I just stopped doing it one day. Nothing necessarily spontaneous,it just happened. As did all my other habits over time.
Squall says "whatever" throughout the entire game. But other than that, it's pretty hip.
That I was struck by lightning 7 times?
I usually consider myself pretty pleasant, until a certain situation arises where I can't think of any ideas to solve it. The problem with the situation, and as to why I never really cared when I was told this, was because it's became so repetitive(I've stated that this has happened almost yearly) that I've simply lost much aspiration to try and make the situation better. It's like trying to care about something until the point that it becomes so repetitive that you gradually lose much care for it.
I think I speak for the majority of members here who aren't fangirls when I say that we all saw that coming.
I'm shocked to the bone.
...Eh. I was just about to rant about this band, but that wouldn't be fair on the wee other supporters. Instead, I'll say that they're not meeting up to my expectations right now. Incidentally, their debut album "I brought you my bullets, You brought me your love" still remains to be my favourite album from them.
I could do with being in an orgy right now.
Oh, I've got this problem myself. It's something to do with what keyboard layout your computer is configurated to. it's set to the US(English) setting, and thusly it will map your keyboard out that way. This can be easily changed via the language bar, which is located on the right of your taskbar. It should say "EN".
Carnival .
YO GUYS. I'm basically drunk right now, so I decided to be a camwhore. Here we go. YO Spoiler YO YO Spoiler YO YO YO Spoiler YO YO YO YO Spoiler
Make it happen.
But you're one of them!
That makes you even worse, you twat.
stop eating sh*t