I'm able to browse /b/ while eating.
I have no eyes, just hollow, cold, dark, holes. But I can still see you.
Never put the things you need to do above the things you want to do. It's a pretty sick society that clouds our minds with the notion of necessity at the expense of our happiness.
Teeth .
Vaginas .
It depends. Are you?
Na, that's a Snuke.
Get over here.
I'm not sure if this is considered advertising or not. Either way, link leads to a virus.
Rhyme .
I vomited a small rodent.
Times Square for MOST of the day.
You could make a pretty drastic change from Eminem to Owl City. No one would ever know.
Pft .
Have you played God of War two? There's a rather large stage in which you crawl all over the Titan Atlas. It'd be comparable to that, only larger, more chaotic, and throughout most of the game.
Anyone wanna meet me there? :v
Did you SERIOUSLY just fucking say that? Did you really just call him lazy, refusing to give him proof when he asks for it, and then, ask for proof yourself? Get the fuck out of here. This is ridiculous. Spam spam spam.
...pft. First we have the miracle landing and now this? I <3 NY