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  1. TheMuffinMan

    Comic dump

    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Jan 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. TheMuffinMan

    Comic dump

    No, it's just your lifestyle of choice.
    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Jan 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. TheMuffinMan

    Comic dump

    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Jan 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. TheMuffinMan
    Talk about sex

    If she likes sex too, then you've got yourself a win-win situation
    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Jan 22, 2009 in forum: Help with Life
  5. TheMuffinMan
    Because you're on your period.
    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Jan 20, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. TheMuffinMan

    I don't think anyone should listen to their heart.
    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Jan 20, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  7. TheMuffinMan
    Are you sure it isn't herpes
    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Jan 19, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. TheMuffinMan
    The point of this is that it allows Nintendo to make their games as hard as they want, while still allowing the casual players to play the game without being frustrated. The way everything is now, you *can not* have both of those. If Nintendo wants a casual player to play a game, the game as a whole has to be dumbed down and simplified to the lowest common denominator, and the people who want difficulty suffer.

    This is a solution to that. Nintendo can make the puzzles as hard as they want, the challenge as cranked up us they like, bosses that aren't formulaic, and make it genuinely enjoyable for the hardcore. If the casual player has trouble with it, then they can watch a "How the developers did it" to get by those tough spots and continue on with the game, and even then you still have to physically accomplish the task, even after knowing the how-to

    Another part of this patent is the ability to play through a game like a scene-select DVD. It patents the ability to basically put 'save states" throughout your game, so that you can replay your favorite boss battle, your favorite cutscene, dungeon, etc. and helps people who love games for the story and not always so much for the fetch quests and escort missions.

    The average play time of the Wii version of Okami is 18 hours. Okami is a 40 hour game. Around 18 hours into Okami is a particularly difficult dungeon and boss. The majority of Wii players have simply not picked up Okami again because they can't get past a roadblock in the game like that. People are passing up playing a wonderful game like Okami because they just can't get past one part, preventing them from seeing the rest of the adventure. With things like this patent, that won't have to happen anymore.
    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Jan 17, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  9. TheMuffinMan
    It has expensive hardware, however, expensive hardware does not the best gaming platform make.

    Warranties do not cover damage done to the product via negligence of the customer.
    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Jan 13, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  10. TheMuffinMan
    Discussion of 4chan does not go outside 4chan unless you're a ******ed cuntsock.
    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Jan 13, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. TheMuffinMan
    You're ******ed, both corporations fling bullshit at each other, no one company is a saint in this regard.

    Bungie has separated as a first party asset from Microsoft, but Microsoft still has majority stock in the company, and has invested hundreds of millions of dollars into their studio's development. Bungie stated that even though they separated from Microsoft as a first party asset, they are dedicated to only making Xbox 360 games.

    I don't understand this statement, considering both the PS3 and the Wii survived the entire test, the only difference is the brother's comment at the end.

    Oh, what a shame, the other 60+ exclusive Xbox 360 games you can't play either?

    You mean the service that has been a complete flop and no one actually enjoys?

    The Playstation was around for 1 generation earlier than Xbox, by that logic shouldn't you be praising Nintendo for being older then both? If the Xbox only sold because it came out earlier, then when the PS3 was released, why has the Xbox 360 continued to outsell it?

    Keep telling yourself that to justify an overpriced purchase
    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Jan 13, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  12. TheMuffinMan
    Apparently there will be no party system at all, you can only play as 1 character at a time
    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Jan 8, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  13. TheMuffinMan
  14. TheMuffinMan
    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Jan 8, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. TheMuffinMan
    Ignore Ulti, she sucks at this, none of us really like her at all

    don't tell her tho

    (sssshhhhhh, secret)
    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Jan 8, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. TheMuffinMan
    That's not true, I luv Shadowjak, I just wanna motorboat his little man-jubblies
    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Jan 8, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. TheMuffinMan
    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Jan 8, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. TheMuffinMan
    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Jan 8, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. TheMuffinMan
    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Jan 8, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. TheMuffinMan
    no, you need to be the wandering derelict at the wedding asking people "BR?" and "gibbe moni plz"
    Post by: TheMuffinMan, Jan 8, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone