Damn you, rayne!
Yes it does!
SHUT UP NOW! *lunges*
Want me to send it to you?
Mary im baaaack!
((IM SORRY! GROUNDING SUCKS!)) Demian had his arms around her, trying to comfort her when James came down. "Um....no. No interuptions here." He let go of her, backing off and smoothing his hair. "And James...please. Don't do anything a nun wouldn't do if you're wearing my clothes, kay?"
i'm sorry. I havn't been on lately.
((Sorry, i had a lot of schoolwork to do)) Demian turned to her. He still felt steaming angry, so he tried to lighten the mood. "Heh, James won't find anything to fit upstairs. Poor kid." He said, trying to laugh. It came out as a growl. He sat down, sighing. "We never made those sandwiches." He said, just realizing it. Oh well, it wasn't really a big problem.
i posteded. XD
Demian pointed upstairs with one paw, motioning for him to go. He held it out to help Kyrine get up. “What are we gonna do when we find her?†He asked. “Why should we even go near her in the first place?†He said angrily. His tail flicked back and forth, and he snarled loudly. “She’ll probably just finish us off!†Angry growls and snarls came from his throat.
Demian felt the witches presence fading. He sucked in a deep breath, the changes stopping slowly. His shirt had fallen to tatters long ago, and his pants were barely holding together. His shoes were nowhere to be found. "She's gone...?" He whispered. He looked in the mirror. The central part of his torso was still normal, relatively. His face retained it's structure, mostly. He wanted to fall to all fours with Kyrine, who looked like the changes might be stopping for her too, soon. But he knew that would be giving up, in a way. "That...*****. We're gonna find her." Then he realized he was panting. Oh my god.
Awww...sleepy heartless!
Demian grabbed Kyrine's hand/paw the best he could, feeling the new fur on her. The blond fur on him had spread up to his shoulders, though his torso was still relatively human. "We....gotta find...that person..." He growled into Kyrine's ear. "AH!" His ribs cracked to make room for expanding organs.
AWESOME! That's such a great story! It had me hooked the entire time! Make more! >:O
The old woman turned and left, fading into the shadows. "Want it to stop? Come find me...." Demian was slammed up against a wall, holding his arm painfully. He fell next to Kyrine afterwards, fur sprouting up on his arms. "Urg...ragh...raaurh....." his cries became more like growls and roars of pain as the seconds ticked by.
"Ehhehheh!" The lady cackled, raising her stick. A force rammed the boy off of her, and into a wall. She twirled the stick in a circle, encompassing them all. "None of you insolent children can understand my power! Maybe this will give you a taste!" She slammed her staff into the rocks, sending energy coursing everywhere. "Foolish children, so full of yourselves!"
"Geeah!" The woman screeched, holding her arm. Blood dripped from it. "Filthy...CREATURE!" She screamed, slamming her walking stick into the floor. She pointed it at Kyrine, directing energy through it. "Do you want your friends to get hurt, CAT?" She bellowed with evil. Demian held close to Kyrine, standing up. He was suprised, the breaking and reforming of bones in his leg to cat form made him several inches taller. "Huh." He saw the old lady. "Oh my god."
hi XD. SILENT HILL! Eheheh...
Demian mentally smashed down his temper, wrapping his arms around Kyrine. This freaking lady....she was ruining their lives. No more pain. No more insults. Good deal? Maybe...maybe not. He resisted trying to raise a middle claw. He looked at Kyrine. She seemed worried for him. "I'm sorry."