I already have the sig but its not in a certain "format" or whatever... Could someone help me turn this, so that people cant click on it or how you ever do it....please?
can stop stop talking to save his/her own life^
Chris was amazing.....just as trying to stay awake.... He looked back and "forth" from Xane to Xardius to Noxas but didnt seem to get in the conversation... Chris fell into a daydream...he dreamed about the islands...what islands? So he tried to remember who was there with him...he only remembered a boy from the islands...but who? Chris woke up and sat down slowly as he can...trying not to loose his dream. "But what about the king?",he whispered "I need to find my master...Is he really dead...?" I need to look this up. Chris still tried to remember the King and the boy and his friends. Chris knew he had weapons...of an "destiny" And he summoned them...they were gold...kind of shiny...with a golden hook like attached in the end,the keychain had a golden X...
OOC: lol me too guys Chris looks at Vecked... all of a sudden Chris falls in-to a day/night/memory dream..... Chris falls to the ground....
"....Actually...I...think before I left...I was suppose to tell him something... ....now... ....I cant remember.... ....It was important...." Chris agains stares at Nulix....
" Actually wuts your name? Because I dont remmber you..." Chris again stares at Nulix ".....arent you um......Nu-.....Nul-....." Nothing, all he remmbers or tries to remmber is Nulix and Mickey. "Oh.....I remember Mickey!" "He was a great Teacher....WHERE IS HE?!" Edit: OMG sryy BIC: "Okay Nulix...."
lol (bleh) loves pankakes....
"......not really....." "I was an apprentice?....Mickey?.....Some how I know that name too..." Chris feels uncomfortable. Chris stared at Nulix...trying to analyze who he is.... "Who are you?" OOC: Im logging out in a little....
Chris stands back away from Xardius....feeling scared after his quote. "Okay, so you are Bella..." points at Bella... "...you are Xardius..." points at Xadius....trembling... "...and you are.....um-...."
OOC: LOL Bic: Chris has smiled and laughed... "Hmm?" "I guess I am...but still whats going on?...I fell like I know you guys but..."
"I dont remember joining a oragnization....or whatever..." Chris had took many looks around where he were and then looked at Xardius. "All I remember is my name...Chris..." Chris had noticed he was just wearing a big black coat...so were the others... So he had asked, Whats going on?!"
Chris blinked at Bella...continueously.... "No really who are you people?" Chris got up and try to stretch, but he couldnt. Chris look at everyone as if he were in hell(if there is such a thing as hell)...but everything felt cold as if no one was in here... "Where am I?"
OOC: hey guys! BIC: Chris awakened from all the "rutterish" noise...and found himself on top of something and couldnt move. "Anyone?....hello?" Eyes open...first look was Xardius & Bella as soon as Xardius left. "Who are you?"
Chris is still in the darkness.... "Who are you?" "...You are alone..." "Why?" "The group that you are about to join in...is weak..." "What are you talking about? Who? Where? Why?" ".........." "Get me out of here! Help!" "Release!" Chris saw a bright light as if he were becoming a nobody again... Chris has teleported to a an unknown place. OOC: Chris will be knocked out puppetlsy asleep so...please someone watch over his body until he awakens... well laters! BIC:And now he was asleep again...laying down on the floor of spilled wine
Chris hears more voices and somehow are familiar but doesnt "reconizes" them. "Can you hear me?"
(me) has a heart...
(remember...RANDOM LIE!!) who likes to be on the computer and be champion
hates life and sucks at singing/kissing/smooching/french?/or any % of acctractiveness to appeal that certain person willinling feelings?