I dont even play the game >_>
OH IM SO UP FOR THAT *gives the $20 note*
Who woulda thought, wouldnt blame them for turning gay for that XD jks
Trying to make me learn D:? epic fail thread right here.
T_T Can't belive your leaving , have fun Skittles, going to miss having you around.
You have blue hair?!
lol well like a..patty? it was vegetarian so i ate it because i dont like eating meat in the morning xD
Jube has one mighty fetish here
Well I just ate breakfast since it is morning here, i ate like..ristoles from last nights dinner
Is Ms. Scarlet feeling any better today? *hugs*
Well thank you :3, Why yes it is my back yard. Oh yeah that would of been great for the camera , thanks ^_^
From what I know, I highly doubt that.
Welcome,what do you need help with?
Haha..Level 48..try adding 50 more levels onto that,and thats when i beat him. Yeah he would of been harder than kh2, because that was an easier game.
Yeah I guess it would be, im not up for challenges, Sephiroth was hard to beat in kh2 too for me.
I bet it would of been freakishly hard. Thankfully you dont verse him in the game.
Oh damn, its still processing then.
That isnt too bad though. Just tell him not to yell and that you dont want to know the details. Tell him also "There is no point of getting mad if im just not interested".
Yes master http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=PtweoObcv8k Oh you bet I did hah
Phantom was really really hard, still cant beat him. I dont think i ever got up to Sephy..I dont remember it. But I think I fought him once and that was HEAPS hard.