But......we did so many terrible things with that marker.....those poor small childern.
We weren't supposed to talk about that remember >.>
From one creepier to another. Your secret is safe with me.
Oh, if I had a nickel.
I thought it was a possesed clown.
Eh, not sure but I do know she was on a moment ago, just in invisible.
Sai is avoiding me.
One of the lifes great questions unanswered. Nah, I have been to a morgue before not all that it is cracked up to be, but then again I don't let stuff like that get to me like my friends.
Dead Space is a third person over the shoulder like RE4. But other than that I don't know much about the game but I heard it gives a good scare.
Billy Zane just has the voice that made me believe that Ansem was a bad dude. So Billy Zane by a mile.
Ummm, the only thing I can think of that might qualify as a "horror" game would be Dead Space.
A condrum in it of its self. xD, I would pay to see that actually.
Bored, kinda. So I took some pics of myself today....man I look like I just commited a felony.
Ummmm, I don't know I'm stumped.
Ha, trick question. Cause the spaceman says everyone looks down!~
Is it from a well know thing?
Vicious Circle and Retaliation were my favorite things by him.
What are we guessing?
Eh, nothing much just dealing with some annoying friends at the moment.
For me it was Speed Grapher....an odd anime I just stuppled on one night.