I'm...not sexy...I am cursed with ugliness D:
That's why I want to watch it though, it's a scary thought. The feeling you get after you watch it is for some reason, I'm looking for. Anyways, the trailer was pretty cool. How water rose up mountain level was scary.
A couple of months have passed and the boy discovers his name once more after long vigorous months in the abyss...thus "Stitch" was born
And the name "Stitch" was forever lost into the deep abyss we have yet to see.
Avatar: Lol, Polar Bear 8/10 Signature: Needs more effects if you ask me, but it's still okay 8/10
It's funny how they still insist you becoming a snail.
Compared to other Final Fantasies, it looks like this one they really put effort in improving the series. I want to get it badly too.
Well either go with Boots or Ming Ming Wyoming. lolhannahmontana
Quiet Boots, you don't want Swiper to come out.
GRAY!!! GRRAAAAAYYYYY! Unfortunately KHE+ (lol, soundsl like a mag) does not approve Spongebob-related material...so we'll just go with Boots.
Let me answer this with a big N-O...the name creeps me out...what about Jerry?
If Gold looked tacky, then something other than the light blue of the background because it somewhat gives a dull look. I think something lighter for the background. Otherwise, darken up the background or brighten the effects and stock. Other than that, it looks awesome. I really like the effects you did.
We can call him Terry.
who doesn't? Well I don't...cause I eat it out of the ground. Anyways, I'll be getting a permit this year, I can finally drive conditionally! 10 years ago wasn't that bad after all!
A Thursday I never got to see... I slept.
I can't help but feel a bit of hatred...cause it's only Tuesday here -_-
Brignsalltheboystotheyardandtheyrelikeitsbetterthanyours Flavor....otherwise known as the Kelisshake EDIT: Damn! I got beat to it.
So was I...I think Haha, "The Real Slim Shady" for some reason came to my mind.
Shall we get on topic here. You'll end up in spam if this continues. Anyways, I feel like watching it. It's like that time I wanted to watch the Day after Tomorrow that's making me want to see it.
I don't even see why we are arguing...well mostly because 90% of his statement is true. The remainding 10% is absolutely nothing but crap.