coz school has begin again and he is in university studying medical in south africa
yea and no
hi sonic!wasup?
oh that well I have alot of names like akari(my sister named me that)yukina is my name and tear is one of them and my newest one is haruhi oh yea...
hahah and did someone call me Tear?on where?
wow cool me well I just got back from taking my bro to the airport.....but me sad now coz without him in the house its boring and quiet and lonely
pretty nice summer and spring..rite now there is snow on the ground and I slipped today on the sidewalk so winter is not all that good
well....idk then weird btw where do you live like I live in canada and so on maybe its coz I live in canada
oh that game hmmmmmm maybe my sister has being playing it and she says its fun^^
hey skittles wasup?
lol thanks xD btw nice to meet you im Kairi or you can call me haruhi xD how r you?
hahah i guess but I havent gone on that for a long time so i didnt really updated it so its still tales of the abyss
avvy:10/10 sigs:10/10
oh ok wait let me find it
yep^^she is
Yaminoyuki25 is my yt name
well I did worse but no one found out (hits a guy with a stick coz he was being mean to my best friend, flings a guy into a desk, throws a fast speed basket ball at an annoying person but missed)but im not bad truly im kind I do that when they annoyed the heck outta me
well ppl have the right to believe what they want -eats popcorn-I read geek myths coz they are interesting I may believe some and I might not....and wow this thread sure can cause an uproar
hi wasup nice to meet ya ^^you may call me haruhi, kairi or yuki which ever one you like^^ and what can I call you?