haha! i get one more day!! we get back on the 6th! ^.^ :D
"What is your occupation, Jessie?"
Minaka decided she'd better get to her class before she got detention. She ran through the crowded hallways leaping over some of the smaller students.
*sniffles* you dont post in the RPs.. ♥
Tessa brushed herself off. "yeah. thanks for caring." Riku rolled his eyes. "Where's the king?" he asked Goofy. ooc: whos goofy?
when do we start??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Kairi nodded and followed closely after Sora.
ooc: whoa, so sorry guys, i've been so busy you'd never imagine. O.o *writers block* umm...improvise! bic: Nicole hadn't realized it, but she'd passed out shortly after hitting the ground. "Mpf...goose egg..." she muttered feeling the back of her head and sitting up. ooc: thats all i got O.o
Nicole timidly touched a wing. "Yes!"
ooc: someones revived it! yay!
^.^ im sorry i havent been on. really busy...
lol yeah....sigh.......
Username/Played by: godsgirl Name: Mika Age: 16 Gender: female Race: Angel Appearance: Power: Mind tricks, fire, pyscic abilities Weapon: A long staff with a point on the end Bio: She was born the perfect angel, but after having spurts of evil, her wings turned black. Her parents were appalled and sent her to the camp so she could be perfct again. Personality: She's sweet and feisty. Other: She enjoys playing tricks on people, but is really nice.
oh oh pick me!! Username- godsgirl Role Play Name- Clarie Wolf Age-25 Apperence[picture opt.]- http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/8725/claymore1024yv1.png Force Ability- can move things with her mind; 'push' people away Weapon- green lightsaber other- Only responds to her nickname "Wolf" (on the pic, take away the sword and replace it with a lightsaber)
ooc: mmm ok
hey, isnt there a way to post vids tha you made of kh on this site, or am i just delusional?
ooc: AF, where is ur character? i lost track >.<
duh lolzz ^.^
Nicole woke up. "Holy crap I'm in someone's room.." she said looking around. "Oh..yeah...hosts..." she looked at her arm. The inked in writing was still there. She walked out into the hall. There was a wall right down the hall, and it hadn't been there before. "Hmm...Hallucination?" she wondered aloud and walked down to it. She leaned hard against it. It was there, bt only for a short moment. She soon fell through it. "AGH!" She landed right at Scott's feet. "whoa...uh....hi..."