woo he's free -Axel kidnapped Xigbar and protled away- He got Xigbar
She knows?
mwhahah...wait why don't we just share the world ^_^
...Like he'll trust you...well he might to actuly
So let him tell then what if its wrong hmmm?
ah but Japan are making things from like ff and full metal alcamist XDD
OOC ok ^_^ Well Where first
...Japan can make brill war machines thanks to its advances tech mwhahahaha
Spoil sport haha -Aqua laughed-
OOC who do you wanna be Aqua Rhys or Daisuke? We need to find another three elements
which will be illigel and will get destroyed
think so...why?
Oh well -Axel wen over to xigbar and got as close as he could to his ear and asked as quietly as he could so only Xigbar could hear- So Whats his secret?
...Thats mean T_T if you do that then I ban all anime, manga and anything else that came from japan including kh ner ner
OOC yah Axel could you play two of the other characters please You know I don't know if he is on destany islands thats why I said "if" but he shoulod be right?...Yah the others are in more danger
don't care japan is better -also sticks out tounge-
No I want it T_T I baggsied it first so ner
don't we have to get daisuke first? Yah...but as long as he is on destany islands then we could get Sora and Riku to look after him OOC this means that the number of characters that we can play has gone compleatly maybe
...-she blinked at Demyx- No way...Get Axel to kiss him Nah I don't like him like that
...Ok but I own japan and hawii ^_^ oh and australia