I'm still up for the project. Just tell me what I need to do exactly. New track from the game project here: This time the Theme of Indalecio/Gabriel (One of the main choosable characters).
We could use all types of voices for the game. Once I get some dialogues out I'll post up here and you guys can try it out. New theme here, this time for Indalecio/Gabriel. It is entitled 'The Visionary'. Enjoy it. Indalecio is one of the main characters of the game, and one of the choosable heros you can play as. His celestial is Gabriel, The Visionary. They both posess the power of 'Vision.'
http://www.hyperionics.com/hc/ Try that and see if it works. I use the trial version to record video of our models and times.
Doing good...scary how fast my brother can pump out musick. I told him to make Indalecio/Gabriel Dungeon theme tonight....which he did. And he brought me back epic: It starts off so slow and I was thinking eh okay....then it gets to around 50 seconds and my mind is blown all the way until the end. The beginning is rather nice now as a lead-in to my ears...it's just...indescribable. Indalecio is captured perfectly, as is his duty as 'The Visionary'. Brilliance and perfection. Just simply epic. I hope you enjoy.
This is hilarious and actually well-written. I like the structure, too. Please continue. <3
Though I need the money for other things (moving out! Haha.), I always jump at the chance to buy things for other people. If someone sees something and their face all lights up and is like 'I want that!' it is a natural urge to buy it. I don't knowwhy that is. Yeah, suicide is a sticky topic. I just help out the best I can when i see someone contemplating that. There isnt really much I can do, and usually I end up seeing it as my fault (in this case, it is apparently my fault) anyhow. But I try. My boyfriend and I are going to Atys tonight (on an MMORPG we play). Suuch a beautiful place, too. <3 I usually go there to relax and unwind when I can, which is rarely, but it is a nice experience.
Aw, well it is Christmas time, the perfect time for giving! If you don't want me to, I won't badger you about it, though. Haha. Stressed? I'm always stressed. In fact that is WHY I put effort into things. One of them anyways. As long as I keep myself busy with things I love to do I can take my mind off of things such as...one of my friends wanting to commit suicide recently (Pink is having some issues), or family-related problems, or something. Haha. I'm sure I'll get everything done in time, I just need to work harder. And faster. My brother is almost done with Indalecio's theme (which will be used for their Celestial Dungeons and whatnot.), so I'm excited about that. I always love his musick. <3
I have paypal and am able to order things via the account. Want me to get it for you once I transfer some funds? Its really harder than it looks coming up with things like that. I researched the actual meanings behind the angel names and everything to make sure the most of them lines up with the true meaning while keeping in context of the Ten Wise Men. I think I did a fairly decent job with that I had to go on. I'm going to start adding descriptions to the Wise Men bios with their Celesstials, but for information on each celestial I will probably make a complete bio post for them alone. I'm also going to try to work on the skills/killer moves/magick for the Celestial Transformations. pretty much when you have a game being made you have to provide a detailed design document for the programmers so all they have to do is put it in. Everything already has to be planned out to the smallest grain of detail beforehand. So that's what I'm working on. Also, I made some RPG Maker VX Style sprites of Jax from my FanFiction, The TwiLit Between. Chapter 1 of that comes out on Christmas. Here's what I have of the sprites so far: I also started colouring my friend's Christmas gift of Cyril: And I sketched out the other two characters from my boyfriend's game: I feel so behind in things. It seems the more I do the more work piles up on me.
How much is the wig? Also, I have the Ten Wise Men/Celestials/Traits list done. .:Here We Go (for those who know the Wise Men):. 1. Indalecio - Celestial: Gabriel, The Visionary - Trait: Vision 2. Cyril - Celestial: Lucifer, The Morning Star - Trait: Desire 3. Decus - Celestial: Michael, The Flare - Trait: Perserverance 4. Vesper - Celestial: Haniel, The Lover - Trait: Unity 5. Jibril - Celestial: Raphael, The Beckon - Trait: Truth/Understanding 6. Ruprecht - Celestial: Zadkiel, The Youth - Trait: Vitality 7. Nicolus - Celestial: Camael, The Teacher - Trait: Wisdom 8. Berle - Celestial: Metatron, The Guardian - Trait: Justice 9. Shigeo - Celestial: Jophiel, The Beauty - Trait: Enlightenment 10. Marsilio - Celestial: Zafikel, The Victor - Trait: Power It took me FOREVER to come up with on my own, but I had no help and we needed to get it done. Haha. <3 I hope the list is satisfactory. I LOVE SHIGEO!
I wish I had more time to forum roleplay these days. Haha.
Just working on games as usual. You?
It looks terrible (I think that's the point?), but it is funny to me! <3 Haha. Epic in a sort of reversed-weird-screwedup-wtf-way. Myes.
I saw your comment on the CP of mine. About TwiLit Between becoming a game. You're going to mostly likely love the 'surprise' I have coming up then. I'm already making the RPG Maker VX-based walking sprites for something to show you guys. It won't neccessarily be a 'game', but I think you will enjoy it. The first installment will be coming to YouTube soon enough. Keep your eyes peeled.
I added the front walk view of Jax from TwiLit Between: RPG Maker VX style. For those of you who don't know what RPG Maker VX is, here is a video example with same-styled sprites. This is the style I was trying to mimic: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Whv0rh3BHFs You can use ANY of my sprites for whatever you want. Don't even have to credit me.
Chapter One will be up Christmas. I've just had some gift arts and game arts (for competition) I've had to do, plus managing Game Company, so I've been running around like a chicken with its head chopped off... But myes, Chapter One will be up Christmas, plus a surprise that is TwiLit Between related following shortly after that. <3
I'm still here. Got another track for our game dev team's game. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_QmQ0WWjkE <3 Will have more later plus more lyricks from 'XIII' album.
Things are going great! EkIchi is in the midst of making a variety of things, but our main project is a fan rpg of Star Ocean. It WILL have voice acting indeed and when the time comes I'll be sure to let you try out for a role. I just uploaded the completeness of Farseli's Theme: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_QmQ0WWjkE He will be a main character in SO:FA and will need some voice acting.
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_QmQ0WWjkE Musick composed by Marluxia-thepansy Image made by Me All (c) EkIchi Games Rate/comment/enjoy!
Hello everybody. Farseli's Theme = complete. Enjoy.
That third one is sweet-looking! I say your 3rd is your best one.