you seem like a stud
shut up before i perform unwanted sexual acts on you
more antisemitiiscim!!!!!! :O!!!!!
the best thing to say to a girl ever: "hey ***** why aren't you in uniform*" *uniform: an apron because women belong in the kitchen LOL
hey there sexy
wat u meen i not scricutously arguming??? u r 1 of them rnt u :ranting:
u wree discripectiful 2 me wen u callied my regilugion stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( how wuld u feel if i said dat ur religinigion was a faggrot??????? huh??????? p.s. did u knoe jesus wus black XD!
u were bein disrepcectfitul to me first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yelling: god u chirisicians jus dont like that ohter ppl think diffeireant than u! RACISM!!!!! RACIWSM!!!!!! RACIESM ON KHV!!!!!! :nonono:
well actually im black and jewish so i celebrate both :cheers:
hey dont tell me wat 2 do u antisemitic bicth!!!!!!! :ranting: its offensive 2 jews bcuz christians r tyrying 2 take over the world! sounds pretty scary doesn't it? haha yeah id say so XD!
code gayass is also an antisemitic television show plus its pretty gay so we will refrain from discussing such things on my forum :)
no shut up you dont understand why its offensive so can you please just say happy holidasyss because its less hurtful to ppl like me??? yikes is everybody on khv so antisemitic
merry christmas enjoy your complimentary mouth raping you mother****ing scumbag
okay ive noticed a lot of ppl around here saying merry christmas and it kinda bothers me cause im jewish and i think you guys should be more sensitive and tolerant and say happy holidays instead because is really offensive to jewish people :sideways: you antisemitic ****heads so happy golidays everybody!!!!! :) love, your friend monkeybutt
i've been naughty as **** man i raided the **** out of some kh forum and launched a ****ing jihad **** was so cash
shut up you know i'm the sexiest person in the world
hello there chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiildren!
i'm having difficulty telling whether you are a male or a female either way i would probably have sex with you
I tend to disagree with the Catholic religion in general, but it is the Catholic Church that is truly in the wrong. As far as I'm concerned the pope is the figurehead of modern bigotry.