[My penis hurts, please give it a kiss to make it better.]
No i'm not... And i'm sure you are :]
">:" is a frown. Yeah it is.
Can i PLEASE have sex with you!??!?!?!
>: You do know who she is right?
I want a girl D:
I refusee
Ily :]
No, one has an M
No, i called you sexy.
*penis in butthole* :D xDDD
Yesssssss! :'D Now drop your pants and grab your ankles B|
Do i get to join? >':
See you, sexy.
Letz do ittt ;D
Yeah. 'friends with benefits' but I like/love her a lot more then a friend with benefits
[Doctor House] I would make love with that person allll night ;D
How you doin' ;D? did i ever tell you about this site: www.iminlikewithyou.com
Me=Single.. but taken at the same time lol. :P