Commenting twice? Thats odd thanks everyone.
To jetty what sir???? hm sir?
Thanks for the comment.
What battle ship? 48 Tell Me what you think.
To get jettie angry lol jk
Hey tell me what you think of this new signiture I made.
*Pulls out rocket Launcher and shoots Jettie, which is a guy.* 42
Well I techniqly didnt fight him, but If they would of release Final Mix then yes it would be Roxas.
Well If you ask me I give it 7-10. Simply becasue I dont like the term X-Mas, because it takes the Christ out of Christmas. And its hard to read the text.
Thanks I was just wondering.
What where on earth did you hear that? Just wondering, Ive confirmed there was a saint nick.
Umm since it is comming out on Ninendo DS, then do you think there will be a Online Versus Mode? I heard there might be a close range over the Air VS Mode, but does anyone know about the Wifi Versus Mode? Sorry If its already been asked.
Im not a cathlic, but I can say that Ive never herd of them ever outlawing the holiday. And yes Jesus wasn't born in december. I cant recall If I have ever heard the exact date. Anyway, the question I have is how did saint nick's deeds turn into what today we call Santa Clause?
Im christian to, but there is a scientifical explination of what happened.
right and Im the queen of england. May I ask the simple question, How? No offence
I mean Im sorry if there a little erelabant or what ever, I dont even know where they are. Im serious. 43 Got to go.
Peaceful Memories Memories are sometimes forgotten But some will never be forgotten Peaceful memories will never be forgotten Remembering the joy forgetting the sorrow leaving the pain below taking the happiness above No one is ever alone with peace at you arsenal No one forgets the loved Never entirely will the loved slip away Memories are close and sometimes dear to you One thing that all know Is that peaceful memories are never forgotten
okay lol, but dang Im called a noob for posting something, but renegade and the other guy wont tell me what post. 37
Thank you for the oppinion, but what I dont agree with is that if a meteor hit the earth and killed all but fish, then you telling me we are all related to fish? That is just a question nothing against you Xenon.
In the words of Jar Jar Binks. "Mesa Knows" 35