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  1. Vexen_Is_God
    I don't know. I just came back from AP, when i did I got majour deja vu (common side effect) but thien now my body feels like someone lit a fire inside of it...
    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 9, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  2. Vexen_Is_God
    My body feels like it is burning from the inside out.
    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 9, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  3. Vexen_Is_God

    I can get high without drugs. I'm feeling that way right about now.

    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 9, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  4. Vexen_Is_God
    I don't do any kind of medicine. I hate it with passions. Even if I am dying I won't take meds.

    Vexen <3
    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 9, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  5. Vexen_Is_God
    Oh...duh, you're right! I think it is Demyx now, too.

    ....Well this makes sense now. Haha.
    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 9, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  6. Vexen_Is_God
    Drugs are bad. My cousin does them.

    I love Vexen...
    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 9, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  7. Vexen_Is_God
    APed and came back and found this...


    On my computer. God knows what it is supposed to be but I think it looks cool anyway...Don't know who did it either.
    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 9, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  8. Vexen_Is_God

    I APed and when I came back this was on my computer. Don't know who did it but it looks cool so what the heck. I'll post it.
    Thread by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 9, 2008, 18 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  9. Vexen_Is_God
    Nice lineart. I like the one in the middle the best.
    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 9, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  10. Vexen_Is_God
    Sorry, I get a little excited meeting fellow game designers/aspiring game designers. You'll have to excuse me.

    With game design there are petty much many fields and branches of those fields you can go into.


    3D Modelers: These individuals make characters, environments, objects, effects, etc. via a 3D modeling program. Sometimes you'll have a team that models, another individual who textures (that's the most important part of modeling in terms of graphick quality), and some who rig and animate the models that need to be animated. At times you'll be able to find some very talented individuals who are able to do all of those specifics at once. The programs my game dev team uses for modeling and animations are Maya and 3Ds Max mostly, though some start out using SketchUp and LightWave, also Blender (a very nice FREE 3D modeling/animation tool with built-in programming in Python code.)

    2D Artists: Despite what people think, 2D artists are KEY to game design, even with games that will be programmed in full 3D. In order to make accurate models, a 2D artist usually draws up character sheets with poses that can be loaded onto a 3D plane for modeling references. The 3D modelers take these images and place them into the program to model easily from. 2D artists are also good texture artists at times, and for 2D animation in games they are a key part of the game-making process. Spriters are difficult to come by these days, unfortunately...

    Programmers: These guys are the ones wh build the motor and backbone of a game to allow it to work. From inputting commands via code to make sure 'when button x is pressed, this happens' or 'character is loaded into this area of the screen upon opening this door'. Every action carried out has to be programmed via code. There are many engines pre-built out there that allow teams to work through them in order to build games without coding everything from pure scratch. Our team, however,uses graphicks engine Ogre and builds the game logick foundation from scratch. Soon we hope to apply our knowlege into creating an engine we can license out to other game developers, making it easier for them to program and render their graphicks while allowing u to turn a profit.

    Musick Composers: Yes, these guys are more knowlegable in the sound-oriented jobs. They create the musick and amospheric expressions, as well as sound effects for games using a musick/sound-creation studio. Most often, one composer is used per game, but some games havefully orchestra soundtracks in which an entire orchestra may be recorded by a sound technology professional to be placed in-game. EkIchi Games has quite a handful of talented musick composers and singers...

    Voice Acting: Crucial for speaking roles in games. A person must fully and perfectly express who the character is while maintaining a sense of purity to the situation's dialogue being recorded. Expensive mics are usually a necessity, as well as a sound engineer to clean up the lines once recorded. Unfortunately, low to no budget games have to skip on the hi quality sound and rely on talented voice acting alone.

    Writers: The writers do just that. Write. Character fleshing, dialogues, scenes, events, anything that has to do with the story flow you see in games, even down to the menu screen texts.

    Game Mechanics: These individuals are actually VERY important, but feware needed per game in order to operate without trpping over each other. These guys calcuate formulas for stats, leveling, monster hp/sp, etc. Basically they do the math and set how things work. Then once done, they colaborate with others to write something called a 'design document' which fully describes everything from A to Z, so that the programmers can read and put everything into code. The storylines are also included, so that the programmers can type out the text that is spoken and place the story in order as it is rogrammed into the game itself.

    There are more positions, but I will list one more.

    The President/Founder: Perhaps the most difficult role, and the role I play inmy game dev team. I'm responsible for not only keeping everything running smoothely, but in advertisement, keeping funds in check, making play by play
    progress plans, and generally keeping track of everything going on at once. It is stressful and takes up much time. I work multiple hours a day and still do not do as much as I should. Sometimes it is nice to have around three on the board of superiours, right under the Founder, so that the job is less harsh.

    Hmmm...Do any of those jobs sound interesting? I know I barely touced on them, but those are pretty accurate overviews of some of the large divisions. They are usually separated into more branches per category...but I don't want to bore you.

    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 9, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  11. Vexen_Is_God
    Oh goodness!

    What field of game design do you wish to get into? What specific jobs would you want to handle? What genre of games do you wish to aid in making?
    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 9, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  12. Vexen_Is_God
    Haha. Thank you.
    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 9, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  13. Vexen_Is_God
    Don't neglect your studies! That means you're totally dragging by with school things, corect? School and studies are important. It is always nice to feed your brain with as much knowlege as possible in a variety of fields. Plus its great fun to learn things.
    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 9, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  14. Vexen_Is_God
    I wish.

    Chibis are my fav, but they are so difficult to draw...My friend is Goddess of chibi-art, so I always have her give me pointers.
    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 9, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  15. Vexen_Is_God
    Thanks! I'll probably do a more serious Vexen/Larxene kiss picture later thatI actually spend some time on.

    Vexen/Larxene FOREVER!
    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 9, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  16. Vexen_Is_God
    Thank you so much.
    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 9, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  17. Vexen_Is_God
    I'm doing good.

    Yeah, I'm working on it. I never draw chibis...Haha.

    ALSO, I have done my quickest doodle yet of all time!


    30 seconds. Haha.

    I love Vexen's expression. He wasn't expecting the all.
    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 9, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  18. Vexen_Is_God

    Took about 30 seconds. Still cute though.

    Vexen so wasn't expecting that kiss.
    Thread by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 9, 2008, 19 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  19. Vexen_Is_God
    Probably. Hahaha.

    Oh look, I tried to do a chibi and phailed.

    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 9, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  20. Vexen_Is_God
    Okay so chibi is my favourite type of art, though I'm not good at it. So to practice I am doing chibified organization members quick sketches.

    This is Marluxia Chibified.

    Thread by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 9, 2008, 10 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics