Of course you're an evil person. God judges people when they condone acts of suicide and death. You sir are going to hell in a hand basket. you're practically Satan incarnate for thinking that death is a funny and wonderful thing. I spit on your sou, or lack there ofl.
Can I have sex with it while you're gone?
In the long-term any amount of smoking can lead to a number of health risks from something small like asthma or high blood pressure, to something big like cancer. In general, the positive health outcomes from not smoking far outweigh any reason to smoke (i.e. some teens start because it relieves stress).
Ah. That's what you were trying to get at. In the context of maintaining and acquiring social contacts it makes sense. In the context of the question that was originally asked it doesn't.
oh lawlerskates! My opinion is ****? That made me lawl k-fed how long did it take to get that out of your head? Seems like I hit a little soft spot with a literary glock shot and offended a child whose raps sound like soft rock
Does game start with a C?
Okay guys, I need to find out superdooper ASAP if you want to join so please post your profiles. Now this is an elaborate story about a bunch of angst-ridden teenagers who all share the same area of the Chunwang Xiao Hospital: The cancer ward. While I need each individual to show some struggle with their own illness and chemotherapy, I also want to have some romance and intense interpersonal relationships develop between the sickies- cancer can't bring down love right? RIGHT! Now the characters will primarily consist of those who are terminally ill, but you can also have one or two accessory characters like family of friends that come and visit now and then. Please post a bio similar to this: Name: Horatio Smatimoff-Chan Age: 16 Appearance: Cancer: Colon (malignant) Bio: Horatio has been in the cancer ward for 3 years now and while he does not like to talk much he has developed an unspoken bond with many in his ward, due to all of them being near the same age and having cancer. He feels like most people don't understand him at times, and with his recent bout of chemo going awry, his condition isn't helping much. Will the other kids in the ward reach out and give him a helping hand, or will he suffer whatever remaining days he has left in his own sick isolation?
You need better raps.
I just have sex. It's nice
In what way does it provide an advantage if the person it doesn't effect just moves on, and the person it effects keeps trying only to be shot down? Or if both people don't care? There's no advantage over anyone. If someone who isn't interested in people who are already taken finds out that the girl or guy is taken they've lost nothing and they've gained nothing. If someone is interested in people who are dating someone at the time finds out that a girl/guy is dating someone they haven't gained any advantage either. If anything they'll come off as a ******bag for trying anything while he/she is in the relationship. And that just makes things worse.
"A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti." -Hannibal Lecter Ooooooooooh video game! Meh, I still stand by it.
This isn't a fact it's a variable. Some people are intrigued by others in relationships, others catch wind of it and then move on. It depends on the individual. There's no relative advantage over whether or not you're paired.
Phantasy Star and Guild Wars.
Hardwood floors are awesome.
The one where vampire lore isn't ruined. Wait that's not right...
Skylar kicked down the door. "Of course you're not. You need to have sex to get pregnant!". He then resumed his duties as a volunteer counselor for the suicide ward.
I have my rights!
the morning sun shone blissfully as it bathed the dew-laden grass in all it's glory. it was 8 AM and the faint sound of an alarm clock radio began to slowly stir Skylar from his slumber. He tossed and turned under the covers, pulling them away from the random girl he had picked up at the dorm social last night. he was still drunk and coked out of his mind. he had had one too many jagger bombs last night and wasn't aware that he had hit on a chubby ugly. oh god, he thought, I can't believe I slept with such a beast. "That's it I'm cutting the beer and drugs", he whispered to himself. lifting his eyelids he looked around and was overcome with much glee; he hadn't taken her back to his place, he was at hers. the chubby, ugly girl turned over and muttered something about hotdogs. still asleep, Skylar thought as he slowly got out of bed (he didn't want to wake the sleeping troll). He got, and realizing that he still had the condom on, went to the bathroom. he pulled it off slowly, so as not to spill his mighty soldiers. they had to be brave, he thought, to want to exit into something as ugly as the ogre that he left in the other room. Skylar sat on the toilet for his morning dookie. not usually a man of profound thought he was overcome with a brilliant idea, he was dumbfounded to even consider how it would play out; he simply did. taking the used condom he gently placed it under his firm, and tense butt cheeks and pinched off a loaf into it. as it strained and conformed to the condoms natural shape it began to slowly displace his precious baby gravy along its sides, making a satisfying squishing noise. As he pulled it up to marvel at what he had made, Skylar realized that there was still room left; another idea came to him. Moving to the faucet he placed the ring of the condom tightly against the tap and gently turned it on, allowing water to mix with his glorious concoction. The condom was filling up too much, so he turned off the faucet. now there was one thing to do: he carefully began to tie a knot in the ring, making an elaborate, and yet arousing water balloon. He slowly squeezed and delighted in the soft wramth that emanated from it. He began to bounce it, surprised that the latex could withstand so much stress and at the same time provide so much joy and pleasure. He tossed it lightly. It landed, jiggling in his hands. he tossed it again. It landed again. He tossed it a third time, and final time. Just as it was released from his hands he heard Bob Marley come on the radio and lighting a spliff in the man's honour, lost sight of his wonderful ball. It hit the floor, making a loud popping sound and waking the ogre from her sleep. She kicked open the bathroom door to find the entire room, Skylar included, to be covered in wet, fecal, sperm. Her face grew pael, and she stared off into a blank and dead nothingness. Using this opportunity to escape, Skylar walked casually past the stunned she-hulk and taking leisure, used the chubby's sheets has a towel to clean himself off. The ogre came too and began cursing and screaming. Ignoring the ugly's cries, Skylar picked up his clothes and walked out of the ugly troll's dorm. His steps were filled with pride that faithful morning, but not because he had gotten laid, or because he had a nice hot shower and a story to tell his frat brothers. No. Skylar looked forward to tonight, for it was full of plenty of liquor, plenty of narcotics, and plenty of ugly *****es. screw the *****es though. Sure Skylar would get laid again, but this time the troll would be his choosing, a sacrifice for a far greater good; he would make another masterpiece.
Yeah but Super heroes own middle earth, or wherever the **** orcs and elves live.
Yeah and you bailed just as I was ready to get into it. LOL Maple Story ftw!