i could go for a lot in exchange for my real name... pity... i hate my name...
* creates a statue of bella* come to think of it... if ever bella would se me...she would definetly be afriad of me or hate me... some people think so, miss...
we must celebrate bella!! * brings a castle bigger than the bunny-castle filled with ben and jerry's icecream and carrots* um...am i weird? because i love this song, even though it's from a game... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKvQrY7-49M&feature=related
greetings sir... i have not seen you in a while...
hello miss... have may i serve my bunny queen?
... we have returned...
th-thank you, miss.... how is miss emika?
i think someone might argue against me now... but i think it's the nikotin... it makes the brain feel good for a short while but without it the brain goes loco and demands more of it... thus the addiction begins...
... i guess i should have expected that as well... heee... thank you, miss...
blast....i always forget that when your in a spamzone... don't expect the poem to be serious... my bad...
now, who might he be, miss? since it was so nice...
near the their tentacles i believe... they have beaks, right?
squids are awesome!
i just remember that... hm...i have never smoked..am proud of it... i know that it's hard for people to stop...but i would like to encourage them not to do it... hm...i also know that my throat feels weird after feeling smoke in the air... like if someone had put a hedghog in it... poor hedgehog...
h-how nice, miss!
it is an assualt rifle normaly.... meant for easy managing and was ranked as one of the top 10 best weapons... but...it's not called a patriot though... i don't remember what... something like xme23blahblahblah...
eep!! i have not seen you here in a while, miss....how come?
the baby sounds adorable...
you like...anime? oh whoops... my bad... um...your sweeter,,,