No, i just hate that damn doorbell ringing every few seconds. 77
I hate halloween. 74
back from a long sleep 71
what????????????? 19
Yes you are more epic than a tomato! 13
Yay he admits it! 11
darnit 8
yeah i hated that phantom thing. I couldnt figure out why i couldnt get to the clocktower either.
Isn't that true.
Gotcha! I knew that. ha ha ha 7
your rude aren't you. 4
ah ah ah ahhhhhhhhhhh! Wahhhhhhhh! 1:cryinganime::cryinganime::cryinganime:
Guys we got to make 301 to break our record of 300. 247
Mota Fota! sas he vesh sue! 245
Give me you eyes! 243
wtf is worng with this thread. 240
Wtf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 238
maybe we will make 200 180
obv 175
noob! jk it means obviously. 173