"Sure, I'll get the coffee." Demyx agrees, heading over to the overly-complicated looking vendor machine. "So wait....do I pull the blue switch for low decafe with espresso, or blue for red's opposite of Mocha Locha Dechoche?" "Stitch just want hot coffee!" Stitch yells in frustration. For a little guy, he sure had a short temper. "Okay! Don't bite my head off!" Demyx curses back, pulling a lever without a cup underneath. Searing Hot coffee comes pouring onto the crotch of his outfit, causing him to yelp loudly and step back a few paces, bumping his back into the counter. "Hmmm..." Stitch thinks for a moment, looking from Demyx to Axel, tapping one clawed finger on his chin. He then gasps, and growls, recognizing them as enemies to his friend Sora. "Cowabunga!" Stitch yells as he leaps onto the countertop with great agility and bites his wide mouth onto Demyx's hair and head. "AHHHH! AXEL GET'IM OFF! GET'IM OFF!" Demyx muffled voice comes from within Stitch's skull. OOC: Again with the old "Hot coffee in the crotch". Such pain-related humor never gets old.
Yeah brb. Dinner. I have an idea for Demyx getting the coffee...hehehe
I have Stitch, Demyx, and Goofy. What could be more beautiful for a KH/Disney-Maniac?
Shaking his head head from the pain, Demyx quickly gets up, and rushes through the employee entrance, taking a register as a temp. "Welcome to Burger King, how may I get you a job? Er--" Demyx started out happily, but tripped and garbled. Stitch's teal-shaped black eyes looked up at the mullet-head quite curiously. "Naga Job. Need food." Stitch spoke in pidgeon English. "Riiiiight. Fooood." Demyx followed, emabarassed. "What will you have, little guy?" "Hmmm...Coffee and Onion rings, please." Stitch asked politely. "Coming right up, little blue dude." Demyx turned around to face Axel at the grill. "We need a coffee and a medium order of onion rings, Axel!"
No prob. I'm just sorta hooked to the RP is all..haha xD
Not to annoy you about the Fast food Rp buuuuut... Could it not get K.O'd tonite?
Demyx stand in front the door, ready to open it to next unsuspecting customer. To anyone, he looked like a complete fool. Espeacially the one who opened the door right in his face, causing him to be squished between the wall and door. jerking around from surprise, he drops to the ground on his backside as the door closes. Stitch walks into Burger King, opening the door and walking up to the corner, not noticing the dazed and confused Mullet-head on his butt by the door. He stands a few inches from the counter, so anyone at the counter could see him, since he was shorter than the counter itself. OOC: There is no Cashier. Can Demyx temp?
Demyx pauses. "Wait...I thought the people at Wendy's were people from the 2004 election..." Demyx pauses again. "That Democratic rat, Kerry overcharged me! Or wait...am I confusing food with Botox surgery or what? I'm so confused!" Demyx shouts. "Okay...the next customer that walks in for food, I'm sending them over to Arbys to replace Hercules!" OOC: Why must I break the fourth wall in every RP? Anyway, this is the last time I'll OOC for a while. Imagine in a certain experiment walked through the door next, hmm?
OOC: Feedback on my Pete/Goofy episode? xP I try to stay true to characters. BIC: As Hercules was lifted onto the stretcher, much to the physical discomfort of the lifters, Demyx watched. Within the next minutes, the ambulance sped off, and the fast food resteraunt was almost silent. "I can't believe you kill a demiGod!" Demyx shouts in disbelief at Axel. "Now McDonald's doesn't have a busboy! If we don't somehow pay up, we're dead!" Demyx panics and almsot faints. Again, Goofy was bored.
Goofy grabs the order, puts in a bag, and puts it out the window to hand to Pete. Unfortunatly, he's a bit out of reach, and he can't move his seatbelt enough to grab the bag. "Gawrsh Petey, looks like yer gonna haveta get out and take it." Goofy said sheepishly. "I ain't gettin' outta nuthin', you Goof. Just toss it to me!" Pete shouts, openeing his window a bit more. "Okay,...if you say so Pete.." Goofy goes on unassuredly, and hurls the bag out the window at top speed. "Wait! Wait! Not so-!" But too late, the bag hits Pete's face and explodes on inpact. Two slices of tomato covers his eyes, ketchup smeared all on his nose, and a pickle slice "smiley face" on his lips, he only looks slightly happy. "And here's your drink, Ayuck!" Goofy says as he tosses the hot coffee out the window and into the shaking Pete. Pete knows what will happen. He knew that this was a bad idea. And his fears were proven true as the searing coffee burst right in the center of his lap. "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOUCH!" Pete screams to the highheavens and puts the peddle to the metal as speeds out of sight. "Hey you jip. That was $4.16!" Goofy yells out as Pete's car smashes headway into another car on the road.
Demyx, nervous for a moment, noticed the hocked up piece of Fry on Axel's nose. Axel's freaking out made it all the more obvious. "Umm..Axel...you got a little smudge...you know...right here.." And Demyx pointed to his nose. But before Axel could have replied, a voice responded on the other side of the phone. "You'll send someone straight away. Yes, the nearby Burger King...Okay...Thanks." And Demyx hung up the phone. "You were saying, Axel?" OOC: One character is waiting on a cook, and another is unconcious. Can't wait til Stitch arrives.>>....hehe...Thanks for the acceptance to replace Herc with 626.
Having aimed for Axel's side but missing, Herc's momentum caused him to stomp into Demyx's stomach and himself to crash headfirst into a wall and land on his backside, unconicous. Demyx, having his stomach trodded upon, immediatly begins coughing on contact, and within moments, a piece of chewed fry flies out of his mouth and plants itself on Axel's nose. Not realizing where the fry went, Demyx gets up and notices the unconcious body by a huge hole in the wall. "Great googly moogly!" Demyx yells, grabbing his hair with each hand and running over to the phone off the hook. "Hello? 911? Get somebody down here immediatly!" OOC: I don't have the heart to get Herc fired,...so I nearly killed him. I have a funny sense of direction, don't I?
Hercules dropped the phone and gasped, seeing the person he himself believe to have apparently killed the mullet-kid start to seemingly "take advantage" of the body, rushes over in a bull attack, and headbutts into Axel's side. "You sick freak!" Herc cursed heroically. OOC: If I could get Herc fired...could I change the busboy to Stitch?
At the same time Axel was near Demyx, Hercules walked through the door with a grin on his face. "Hey I know we're not exactly fast-food partners but-" Herc's grin changed to a wide-mouth when he saw Demyx unconcious, and Axel near him. "Holy Dad!" Hercules remarked, and dashed for a phone, dialing 911 as fast as he could.
Goofy yelled into the back, having waited a couple of moments with no reply. "Riku? I need that food soon!" Goofy yelled to the cook. He had noticed Pete was starting to glance at his watch from time to time and tap on his dashboard impatiently. *** Just as the music finished, Demyx stopped breathing, went limp, and lay flat on his back, no longer showing any signs of life. *** Hercules, needing a place to break for lunch, dashes across the road for Burger King. Sure they were competitors, but one had to admit their fires were somewaht better. Crisper and just the right amount of fat, not all salty and fatty like McDonald's fries.
"Ah, don't worry, lil'guy. I won't knock the stuffing out of you." Herc said with a wink and a million dollar smile. He laughed heartily at his own joke, and went outside for his break. *** As Demyx began choking more and more, with no end to the bitter pain in his throat, he fell to the ground. Even more to his unfortune, I'm gonna make you sweat comes on over the overhead and begins to play as Demyx starts jerking around in all kinds of manners on the ground. To one watching, he was merely break-dancing in-tune with the music. *** OOC: Also, who's the fry-cooks for McDonald's again. I might just wait until one of them is on or Goofy'll cook the food himself...I don't know which I should do.
Demyx chokes and gags, losing grip of the mop as he struggles to place his hands on his neck. With Axel's quick remark, a fry had gone down the tube and was unleashing all salty-madness upon his insides. "Achsel...*geg* I swallowed a fey!" Demyx tried to choke out, but the fry stuck in his throat was stealing his words and grabling them. ** Goofy waited as the shiny looking hummer drove up to his window and stopped. Goofy's response to who was in the vehicle sounded surprise in the Goof. "Well Gawrsh! Howdy, Pete!" Goofy waved through the window as he opened the register and slid window open. "Grr....Just gimme the food!" Pete growled. "Okiedokey!" Goofy hummed and yelled into the back for the food to be cooked. "A Big art-clogger, with too much fries, and a Donkey Diharea, guys!" Pete looked like he was about the barf, turning green in the face. "Say...what'd you call the food?" "Oh, that? We have ter use codes so that folks in line can't tell what the person in the drivethrou is gettin', A'yuck." "That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard of!" Pete yelled grumbled, gripping the leather side of his seat. "Well, if ya don't like the food, go somewhereselse." Goofy replied with a humph. "Nah..just get it cooked and get it over with." "Alrighty then!" "Donkey...diherea...grrrr!" *** Hercules cleans off every table and picks up every piece trach from straw covers to cups, and even food trays. And within moments, the work is done. He caught Pooh's eye and said with a short breath from all the work, "What do you think, Pooh? All clean?" OOC: Are Sora and kairi in Mcdonald's? I'm lost..>>
Hercules went back to customer service area and checked the counter for any derbis. He cleared off a total of two empty milk jugs, five pieces of bubblegum from beneath the counter, and a soda cup by the Cashier. After getting a piece of bubblegum stuck in his brownish hair, he moved to the tables. Maybe if he did his job quickly enough, he might be able to go on break! And so he got started whizzing through each table for junk. *** Demyx hated his job. He hated his job even before he got to job. It was always the same thought...he knew they had the wrong guy as Janitor. But all the same, Demyx pulled into a parking spot far from the door, having to drive carefully with his Gremlin. Walking inside, he went back and put on an apron, and grabbed a mop. Then, while no one was looking, Demyx grabbed a fry holder and started scooping fry from the fryer into the convient fry holder you can put in your car cupholders. As he took out a fry and muched an end off, he check the back to see what it said....same old...but he always read it ever time he got a new fry holder, bag, sandwhich, or drink. He sat down at a table, and ate his fries, the mop in the other hand. Goofy's eyes began to waver from attention, but were quickly opened back fully when he heard a ding just above his head. "Gawrsh! I customer!" And he did his signature laugh from overjoy. He adjusted his mic and connected it so that the person at the machine could hear him say, "Welcome ta McDonald's! How may I take yer..." But Goofy's word was lost. "...Order?" Came a familiar, deep, gruff voice from the other side of the communication. "Right! How may I take yer order!" Goofy said stupidly. "Grrr...That Goof is always gettin' ta me!" Pete groaned under his breath with a facepalm. "'Scuse me?" "Nuthin'! I said I wanted a Big Mac with large fries and an extra large coffee." Pete said back through. "That'll be $16.04, please." "Wha!? I just ordered a three part meal! there's no way that I-" "Gawrsh, sorry, I was readin' the price through a mirrer. That'll be $4.16, please." "That hairbrained, over-chargin' Goof....why I oughta..." "What was that? Ya'll have ta speak louder." "I said hair cuts are over-chargin' proof, I oughta never get my hair cut again." "Oh...okidokey then. Pull up ta the firs' windaw." "Why do I feel like I shouldn't be here right now?" pete whined sheepishly as he pulled ahead.
OOC: Ok, I got it. IC: "Gawrsh!" Goofy snorted out of a long and lazy sleep where his face and been smack on the counter. He looked around and wondered just how long he'd been doozin'. He put on his headmic and hastedly returned back to the register. meanwhile, back at the Ranch...er...Wendy's A powerful hand gripped the doorhandle to the glass door of Wendy's and tried to open it lightly. Though when a car zooming by and sirens blaring on the street ever so suddenly as he did, he wound up prying the door from it's hinges. Lifting the heavy glass door as if it were nothing, he carefully locked in place, and walked inside. As he closed the door behind him, the door broke off the hinges, landed backwards, and shattered. "Don't worry! I'll fix that." Hercules called to the back, having recoiled from humiliation when he heard last plink of glass break off from the door. He went through the Employee's entrance only, and put on his busboy uniform, and began working. OOC: Demyx too by chance?
OOC: H-hu-hundred *faints* Recap....please? I mean, I'll be gone tomorrow and for a while, but the recap up until now, and I can read from there.