Xarred moved down the streets of Twilight town to see an explostion in the distance. but it seemed far, far from where i stood.
man soon i will have to go :( 25
same here 23
zzzzzzzzz 21
damn not orange 10
lets get to 301 atleast guys. 6
Damn! not again.
Explode now 26
--- twentyone
blap 8_0 19
zzzzzzzzzzzz 17
The Defeat of the Organization, left many hearts lost after the collapse of Kingdom Hearts. Many of them were filled with darkness and a new generation was born. No they weren't nobodys, no they weren't heartless; something entirely new. They felt, they thought, but they were always residents of darkness. They often killed and slaughted both nobodys and Heartless. Now Sora tries to find out whats going on, because the heartless have dissapeared completely only strains of nobodies remain. ------ You can use any character for Kingdom Hearts or create your own chrachter. ------ Rules: 1. No God moding as defined by Redeyesblackdragon 2. No power play as defined by Redeyesblackdragon 3. Keep Cursing to a minumim this is rated PG-13 4. No talk of sex 5. No actions regaurding sex 6. If your charachters are in love the best you can do is hug and kiss. 7. If these rules are violated you will get one warning, the next you will be banned from this thread, and your character will be removed unless taken over by another individual. These rules are strictly enforced an will be followed. Now some times things may get out of hand so your one time warning expires once a month. So mess up, you dont mess up till next month or you will be removed. To register your charachter you must agree with the terms above. By registering your charachter you are agreeing to the terms above. --------- Note: Chrachters From Kingdom hearts do not require the templete below. Name: Apearance: Special Ability: Define: Custom Weapon: -------- Name: Xarred Apearance: Special Ability: Drain Energy Definition: Take the wellness of another to heal yourself. Custom Weapon: Flaming Shard
7 its you!
301 here we come! 3
what ever, wen are we gonna break 300 i wonder. ha ha ha ha
Great confidence! 21 -_-
Im back lets get to 400! 19
check my web page http://h1.ripway.com/REXTA/index.html 10
Omg no not that! 9