woo! somebody to chat!!!! yaya
whadda ya mean?
HAIIIII sry for being awaii for some tiime i had to eat... noew im baeck and rdy to chat
HI!! u came and left waht sucks cause i dont ahve anyone to speak to.........................................
lol u ¨know who i like... R-C so... its Xinia cause shes R-C's nobody lol it has nothing to do with that R-C ish teh bunny queen lol if u thought that i would have anything to do with it ur busted... not really im juts feeling alittle wierdoiu (NOT IN THE LIKE THINGEY!!! (thats real))
lol R-C will say something soon
shes doiong some work next to meh ;) R-C: Hi! Make: well taht was from her! :)
ok... then ima bnot going awaÃiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiima baaaaaaaaack and gone soon (when the teacher comes backkkkkk))))
15 pölplöp blah blahbhaal
81 i still dont know what to say...
i now muuch more confused and i sond like a 2 years old...
en ny muista
see on www.runescape.com but it sucks joten en ehdota mennä sinne
yeh yeh but ur the queen so i had to come
hillo! R-C commanded me here so here i am
13 bargh im bored of the boredom
Hiz *walks on walls and then jumps to lamp and starts sleeping like bats*
today i visited here bacause i wanted to be here before R-C or e_b cause i have a unsecretly secret:e_b drinked marlucsia i dont know how do u write it but its the same BYE!!
ok it was boring im still gonna stay here and look like psycho *looks like a psycho when looking at a wall* gonna go or ill fall asleep on the key board its hard to write right anymore so buh byer *faints* *turns into some ´smoke*