oh,okay then :) here I added it a little (the one about Roxas)
Yeah,I've been kinda used to be told like that although it doesn't feel kinda good at least I'm not mad, and people learn from mistakes right? so I'll just keep tryin...:D:D:D:china:
hmm. should I make one for organization XIII???
Yeah,I just started to try making it yesterday no wonder it's kinda lame right? :)
I agree I almost laugh every time I hear Naruto's voice in english dub.. I liked L's english dub,and Light's too,
Nah my AMV's still lame I need to practice....
i KNOW THAT's why I'll try to make more and be better at it...
These are my first and second AMV's 1st: 2nd: Give me your opinion...:)
Hi I'm Ven(?) wassup? I already made the one about Aqua: Give your opinion on the thread please:)
But personally I think our profile pics are switched... ur roxas ur profile pic ven.... I'm Ven my profile pic is Roxas...:)
and can you give me your opinion?(post on thread)
hey I made another AMV, it's not much,
you're on right?
Sure It's fine with me.
*change to good personality* *comes back from Canada through light portal* allelujah:"okay that woke me up..." but I'll be going now so see ya! and we're 2 persons in one body by the way
Well I sthink that Ven uses speed Terra rely mostly on power Aqua uses magic what do you guys think?
*Hallelujah not now!* Hallelujah:"I don't care!!! I fight for my self!!!, Hallelujah!!! Hyaa!!!!!"*slashes you back with double the power and speed*
sure but I gotta go in a few...
here's another one,it's about Roxas: what do you think?