*goes into mystery zord* HA! your giant robot Ronald McDonald is NO match for my giant robot.....Queen Elizabeth I....?
*goes after you in the Amber CookieZord*
yup! its open to EVERYONE! (except Squidward!)
I choose you! Music Video!
i would have used a giant meteor!
i hit you? when!? why wasn't i informed!? did i really hit you?
I live in Florida, so all the hurricanes come for us first T-T
NO! THlS....IS......PATRICK!!!!
i think thats an exaggeration o.o'
Theres a tropical storm coming?
and Emma has the NERVE to say i only had a speck of brain! Pluto Planet Power! SUMMONING! *Sailor Pluto jumps out of nowhere* DAMN STRAIGHT!
oh, sorry, i misunderstood.
if you have a tropical storm,then you shouldnt have school
it cant be a ripoff if it came before.
that makes no sense...
i didnt have school today due to Veteran's Day
Sailor Moon came out BEFORE those two shows. if you wanna see a ripoff of ALL three of those shows, watch the Powerpuff Girls Z.
Alex hopped closer and closer until he was within earshot, but he was almost completely visible.
you dont have to fix it! It's my responsibility! -Ahem- MOONLIGHT DENSETU!
No. Thats what I get for playing tennis inside the castle....with a Dusk. but no worries! With the youtube tag, i'll cast a magical video spell to fix it! though there is a change it will summon Evil DF.. MOONLIGHT DENSETU!